Another week of slowly reaching the harvest date.
Early sugar leaves on tops are showing average 10% amber trics.
Calyxes are swelling with each day, generating dense new trics to still ripen.
Pistils are browning, about 50% now with slight new growth/foxtailing on the tops.
Its getting real smelly.. maybe time for a filter, with a space this confined its gonna be a mission fitting one on.
Fan leaves withering off, no stress.
Buds are becoming dense and are weighing the stems down
probably looking at harvesting in 2 weeks to allow new trics to go cloudy. Hoping to click over 2 oz with this plant but aslong as the smoke is smooth and potent im not worried about yeild.
Cheers boys and girls for checking in, let me know what you think, have a good day 👍