Hey guys! New week, here we are! As always, every Sunday is cleaning day. Took everything again from the tent, washed the saucers. Was also time to cut down some leaves as it was starting to look very bushy and hard for the light to get through it. During that time, came across with some bugs under the foliage, which isn't a great sign for sure. Not to mention the fruit flies that moved in and are making my life a little chaos. On top of that it seems that this little one is getting some deficiencies. Gonna ask for help in the right section to clear it out Reducing now the RH a bit, and watering now on every 72h instead of 48h to keep the grow as dry as possible. Increasing the ventilator speed was another attempt, it so much air circulating should be hard for them to make a living inside. Just put now more of those fly traps and will add a couple glasses of cider vinegar here and there, as it attracts most of the flying things with success. Note that some plants are yellowing and that's never a good sign. Though for few weeks it was Nitrogen deficiency, but after increasing it and the CalMag values, the problem persists, so I'm inclined for something bug related. Besides that, temps are still very stable, RH was changed, now to 40% tops, and the light went a little lower to get it closer to the plants - always with the light burn effect in mind. 40cm is the line between the tops and the lamp. Flowering is looking good, buds are forming well and seems that's gonna be a good ending if I can keep the bugs under control. Oh, I forgot. She has a weird smell, like a rotten mango. Not sure if that's the skunk in it coming up, or if I should actually dig and look for root rot. I don't believe in the latter one as my feedings are never abundant/excessive, use fabric pots, have great ventilation. But, the fact I don't believe in it doesn't mean I'm right. Probably I'm wrong. First signs of trichomes are here, you can see it with the naked eye. That's all folks, have a great week
For my first run I am happy with my results even though the yield was very low . The banana cake is frosty and has a great nose on it . The bud has white ash and overall it tastes great . I will be doing another grow soon and Im going switch it up . Going to be a great next grow so don’t miss it .
Growing medical marijuana has been such an amazing outlet for me. And I think that I would be in a much much worse place without having in my life as far as cultivating goes. I have formal education in horticulture specialist, however marijuana is so resilient and so strong and so willing and ready to live. But I plan to take it to its limits
Les hice el corte apical y les he quitado alguna hoja que salen del tallo muy contento.
This was a wonderful strain to grow. It handled high temps through august with ease and never had any issues with over feeding. I was impressed with how fast the buds developed and ripened. The smell is amazing. Mango and tangerine. The only disappointing thing was I had no red flowers. I’ll definitely grow this again though.
Not much of an update this week... went camping in the backwoods of Temagemi.... it was amazing :) I did a video update when I got back... it'll have to do.
Day 172. Some strains ended up frosty, smelly and nuggy, so I already have 76 g from first Strawberry, rest should bring some buds too, couple plants will go untrimmed to my friends as presents, one was already given away ... Think I will have like 300 g easy, and my friends got same amount as presents. Not a bad project, with loads of issues, happily almost no care was given or needed, so I count it as a result achieved : 1. I know that Hermie is bringing other hermies. 2. UK weather is only for autos, that lesson should be learnt long time ago, but I still hope to find mold resilient strain... No updates or other strain harvests will be done, have no time to play ... Happy Growing !!!
Had alot of fun with these realized my dumbass could only use my plant for two plants but everything is a learning process i really wanna lrean how to get fat ass nuggs any help is welcome
Nice purple colour, Easy to grow, compact buds, cold resistant. But second pheno made a lot of seeds 😓 I dont recommend ThSeeds because the quality isnt that good and I feel like I wasted money and time with that strain. The smell isnt that insane
Been too busy to update the last few weeks, but they’re surviving longer then I expected. When I received my new light I did not take in consideration of the heat output and within the first night of use the tent reached a scorching 88 degrees