This week did not go too well. The plants started being more and more droopy and barely grew, which you can clearly see in the time-lapse. I initially thought they were sitting in coco that was too wet, but drying it out did not help their case.
I had already wanted to transplant them at this stage, but didn't have the right pot size available yet due to a late delivery.
Then, at day 13 from planting the seeds, I received the pots and immediately went on to transplant them into wet buffered coco in 1 liter pots. They instantly recovered and have been doing great ever since as you can see in the last picture.
Starting from the transplant, I have been feeding them with 0.5-0.7 EC water, a bit more than half of that made up of calmag, the rest coco A+B and rhizotonic. One is showing a slight calcium deficiency, weirdly enough. Especially as the coco was buffered in a 1.2 EC calmag solution for several days before use. Will keep an eye on this and might give some extra calcium as a mono nutrient.
For now, next week looks promising. This update is a little late, so I can tell you that by next week's update they will look much better.