We're at the start of the fourth week, and she loves life and looks healthy and vibrant.
I prepared some Sprouted Seed Tea (SST) today. I started a few days ago by soaking barley and corn in water with fulvic acid and kelp meal, then letting the seeds rest in a moist towel inside a paper bag.
Today, the seeds had sprouted enough, and I put them in a blender with one liter of water and blitzed the hell out of them. The amount of finished tea was sufficient for ten liters of water, so I filled small plastic bags with the leftover tea and put them in the freezer. That way, I can grab a bag whenever without going through the whole sprouting process each time.
I gave her one liter of the SST @ pH 6.5, with some humic acid mixed in.
She also got a light foliar spray with fulvic acid and horticultural soap as a wetting agent.
Increased DLI to 32 and will start LST tomorrow.
She had finally grown up enough to get tied down, so I started LST today. Well, barely, as all I did was lean her over.
The branches on the first node are underdeveloped, as they often are due to only having a single-leaf fanleaf to power them. I removed the bottom branch/leaf but kept the top. For now. I'll give it a chance now when it gets more light, but doubtful that I'll keep it.
I'm adjusting and/or adding LST a couple of times per day.
The soil is still moist and hasn't required any additional watering. (I plan to fill the bottom reservoir for the first time in a few days.)
Other than that, it's smooth sailing. DLI set to 36.
We're at the end of the fourth week and the last week of veg as she is moving into flower. It already looks like she will be a purple phenotype. Statistically, most are, but I was hoping for a green anyway.
More LST to spread her out. DLI set to 40.