This was a brilliant week for plant growth, with some side branches over doubling their height. I added the ScrOG net at the beginning of the week and began some more intensive training. The broken mainled blue has fully recovered from last week's damage, and is quickly catching up the my other mainled experiment.
The LST only plants I pretty much just continued to bend. The topped & LST'd plants I removed some of the lower bud sites that were not getting any light. I also removed a few awkward fan leaves that could not be tucked away. The addition of the net has helped with this though, as keeping the canopy even is much easier with the support it gives.
I also decided not to try any further cuts on the (half) mainlined auto's. My reasoning is that they have developed strong, independent colas already, so cutting for more would not see much gain. The plants had also begun to flower on the night I went to perform the second cut, and my growing experience tells me not to mess with flowering plants too much so here we are.
I gave the plants one regular watering of 10L pH'd water, and a 20L nutrient mix using the ratios stated above. All volumes were split equally between the plants.
The scrawny looking blue critical has perked up a heck of a lot, but is still the weakest of the 3. The strongest plants by far are the ones that have been topped and LST'd, closely followed by the mainlined ones. LST only is definitely great, but it is clearly lagging behind the other two techniques.