The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
At the start of this week I bought another lumatek light for the 2nd tent and I'm already seeing the rewards. We have a smart meter and it seems the tent cost on average is 5p per hour so why the fuck not get another one eh?🤷‍♂️🏼 I have been feeding the solo plant from the wilma Res so it stays consistent but I'll be flushing them very soon indeed. Also this week I made my first ever vlog! *cringe* Thanks for stopping by ✌️🏻
Die kleine wächst schön flott und macht nach meinem derzeitigen Kenntnisstand einen sehr gesunden Eindruck. Mal sehen wie die Grüntöne aussehen, sobald Sie das nächste Blätterpaar entwickelt. Geplant ist später, ca. ab der 3 Blütewoche, eine Zugabe von UVB Strahlen. Bei der Hulk Berry habe ich damit ein unglaubliches Aroma erzielt. Zudem bin ich der Überzeugung, dass der "hohe" THC Gehalt im Allgemeinen, nicht zwangsläufig eine Gute Wirkung bedeutet. Viel wichtiger ist, wie die Trichome aufgeteilt sind. Eine Verfärbung ist meines Erachtens nach immer ein recht sicheres Anzeichen dafür, dass es sich um eine schöne Wirkung handeln wird. Hulk Berry, THC Bomb, sind beide starke Sorten. Jedoch fand ich AK 47 bis jetzt am aller besten. Direkt danach kam die Blueberry mit "nur" 16%. Aber die Wirkung war Rund und wunderbar. Eventuell teste ich im nächste Grow mal Califorina Orange, mal sehen. 16.11.2020 Tag 9 Ich kann nicht klagen, wie schon bei der Begutachtung der keimenden Wurzel vermutet, handelt es sich bei dem erwischen Samen um einen sehr starken. Die kleine Banane wächst sehr Gut, macht einen sehr gesunden Eindruck und hat ein passendes Farbbild. 16.11.2020 Tag 9 16:16 Uhr Aller Erstes LST erledigt. Der Stamm sollte Morgen früh schon merklich kräftiger und vor allem Widerstandsfähiger sein.
Questa settimana ho deciso di montare una lampada di supporto a LED per poter far arrivare a tutte le piante abbastanza luce, le piante continuano a crescere e i fiori sembra che stiano maturando per bene spero di raccogliere almeno 4/5 piante entro 2/3 settimane,perché alcune sono molto indietro rispetto ad altre.
Todays the day! I actually probably waited to long. I shoulda done it earlier, but we will see how a little LST goes on these units! Lemme work my courage up to it with a few beers. Will post pics! _____________________________________________________________________________________________ I think LST went well. I grasp better the point to LST and how its pulling everything to an even canopy level. I think I did it pretty well, but now I see why you might start it earlier to get those main stems down more. I still don't understand which branches would be better to cut now, I will try to follow how they grow so I can "control" better what is growing. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Another small victory was that the runoff PH was 6.1! Exactly where I want it to be! And I noticed roots growing down at the base of the air-pots so the root-ball has encompassed the whole area! I wasn't sure where the roots where in development. I'm very happy to get LST going, and I'm excited to see these bad-boys pop back!!! __________________________________________________________________________________________ Things look great by the middle of Week 3! the LST went pretty well and they rebounded nicely. I decided to push my luck tonight and after tucking a bunch of leaves decided to adjust the main stalk on a plant and snapped the main stem halfway. I've been assured thinks will be ok, but i'm still mad at myself for forcing it. Gotta be gentle! Will have to watch and see what happens there 😭. I also decided tonight to give the girls some nutrients along with their supplements. easing in to things with 1ml of the GH trio to kick things off a bit earlier than I planned.... Gonna be interesting to see how they take it! So much suspense for the coming days!!!!! ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Thur I went in and removed a couple fan leaves that were blocking nodes. I notice that there is a bit of nitrogen in the leaves so I think Floragrow might have been too much, It might just be best to wait and just add bloom instead. I will monitor... The split stem also seemed to not slow the plant down at all and things have bouced back nicely and everything seems to be on track!
Day 50 girls a growing so good Day 51 girls are so happy watered and they are happy Day 52 wow got some awesome pictures and got a video of our girls. Day 53 girls growing got watered Day 54 girls got so much water yesterday they didn’t need any today Day 55 watered the girls man the drank it up