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En fin...como todo lo que empieza, también se termina y casi estamos recogiendo el fruto de todo el amor, la dedicación y cariño inmenso que le ponemos a la más bella planta del universo. Tengo amigos a quien les digo que he tenido veces que en lo más hondo de mi alma, mi primera y última voluntad sería no cortar mis grows. Casi como si fuera en mi íntimo, lo que más deseaba, seria tenerlas preciosas para siempre y ver sus colores, sus aromas...quién no le gusta llegar a casa y la primera cosa es caminar hacia la habitación donde está el armario de grow...ver como los LED se proyectan en los colores en mi temporada de verano tenía los colores naranjas de la Russian Auto de FastBuds...ahora con las temperaturas más bajas de finales de otoño, la Strawberry Cheesecake de Barney's...ay, que trabajos me ha dado esta señorita, eh!! Como me dejó llevar por sus colores morados y estos cogollos con la explosión de naranjas y rosados y ámbar (que no necesitamos tan solo admirarlas con el Photoshop en las páginas de los catálogos de los!!! Que las fotos que sacó en casa no llevan filtros y los cogollos salen aún más preciosos que en las fotos de los amigos de Barney's). Hace poco "luchaba" con ella, poniéndole ScroG, trelizas, pin plásticos para hacerle Low Stress intentando controlar una "señorita" para la cual tenía pensado no más que un metro de alto y que cuando me seguía subiendo al casi metro y medio en floración sin detener su crecimiento...a esta "señorita" por la primera vez en mi vida, tuve que hacerle un supercropping encima de otro supercropping haciéndole un callo del grosor de un puño en su cola por que de otra manera no hubiera tenido techo de armario donde me cupiera el estirón de sus ramas. Me anunciaban en Barney's que su genética habría de salir una Indica en su aspecto arbustivo, pero naturaleza no se equivoca en sus caprichos y en su "sopa" genética, sus ramas de Sativa se impusieron...hay que aceptar con tranquilidad lo que se nos viene encima y como no...pese a que en su final las hojas largas nos dijeron "Indica presente"...hemos tenido una Sativa...en todo, su tiempo de hacerse y desarrollarse en 13 semanas y la forma como con la red de ScroG se pudo conseguir que las luces llegaran donde no habrían de tener llegado. La pequeñita Strawberry que el 12 de septiembre despuntaba del jiffy, tímida y delicada...hoy es una "señora" y su paso por el mundo subirá en rollos de humo dulce y por el medio de sonrisas y por que no, "cabezones" por qué su "Indica" también hablará en su híbrida expresión, se recordará como una verdadera belleza...y si...por qué si miráis a las fotos, es también y mucho una belleza. Dejando la poesía de la vida aparte, esta semana ha sido semana que empezó con el flush el Domingo...agua corriente para que se lavara lo que le hemos dado en estas 13 semanas. Como no le hemos dado demasiado, donde le habríamos de dar lo justo, con el flush, muy rápido pudimos ver que el agua marrón se sustituía por água Clara, dando la señal que la hemos limpiado como se merecía...y seguro que tendremos humos suaves y aromáticos y no esa cosa que a veces nos toca cuando compramos alguna hierba a un amiguete que sea más apresurado y que a veces con la saña del negocio (y siempre el cabrón del dinero y los que hacen negocio de esto y que con esa "filosofía" tanto se les dá un flush bien echo, un secado como mandan las reglas o el curado de primera, para que el humo sea un "culto" y si unos pocos les dá la gana...para mi, esa cosa de ganarme la vida con esto, nones lo mío...y lo mío si es que cuando me fumo unos con los amigos, todos disfrutemos y que la gente me diga "anda!!! que esta es de las mejores que he fumado en la vida" y eso sí, es ganarme la vida...ganarme el gusto de perfeccionarme a cada grow, a cada variable nueva que introduzco en mis cosechas, a cada experimento que me trae conocimiento y buen hacer, a cada cepa que logró sacarle el mejor rendimiento no solo en gramos, pero mucho en sabor y en aroma. Joder...que esto de la "plantita mágica" es de las cosas más bellas y que más te recompensan en la vida y como os digo...mi "zen" en esto del "grow" no está en el humo y en lo "colocado" que me pueda dejar...lo que me deja, en verdad, "colocado" me quedo por lo que me relaja esto de la botánica y del amor, cariño y dedicación diaria al "grow". Sobre la "enana" Critical Jack Herer... pues pese a una genética muy incompleta (y por que como ya os he dicho, que trifolios "ruderalis" incluso en la floración, lo que deja entender que Delicious Seeds mucho tendrá que trabajar en estabilizar esta cepa) camina también para su final...una cosecha mucho más pequeña en cantidad, pero por su olor y resina en sus cogollos más modestos y menos exuberantes en los colores, promete al menos, una hierba que "pongo mis fichas a juego sin limites" en la calidad que tendrá. Haré el flush el viernes y será un flush más específico, pues no pretendo darle un corrido de água alocado y si usaré el producto Canna Flush, pues también hay que aprovechar el sustrato que es de calidad superior y si el corrido de un montón de agua tiende a lavar los fungos y bactérias benéficas del suelo, con el Canna Flush se logra limpiar el exceso de nutrientes sin con ello hacer que el agua se lleve también lo bueno que hemos integrado en el sustrato a lo largo del "grow". Otra de las cosas que siempre contribuye a que tengamos un sustrato que después del flush nos sirva cara al futuro, es no solo el uso de las micorrizas que para mí son obligatorias, bien como el uso de "enhacers" enzimáticos que en mucho tienen la tremenda misión de convertir excesos de N-P-K en metabolitos de azúcares y coloides que las plantas absorben, sin que con ello, el humo quede agresivo en su paso por la garganta. Así...en los próximos diez días, tendremos terminada la temporada de otoño. Haremos el pesado de la cantidad, haremos los registos en la bitácora sobre lo que ha ido bien y menos bien y empezaremos a programar para mediados/finales de enero, el comienzo de la temporada Primavera 2023. Ya tenemos la "comida" de la próxima temporada y tendremos orgánico con calidad...tendremos más dos TLED 26 w, estos de 6500K para Crecimiento y tendremos ya la configuración LED completa que he diseñado en mi mente, que será el LED central de 192W, y sobre cada esquina del armario de "grow" alternados TLEDs de 26W, unos de Crecimiento y otros de Floración... Y "colorín, colorado, este grow se ha terminado..." Hasta la vista con fé y sabiduría y confianza infinita en el Dios Jah, sembrando la semilla de la concordia y paz entre Hombres y dándonos la gracia de la más hermosa planta del mundo... Fuí...ONE LOVE
Probabilmente il topping del ramo apicale non è stata la migliore cosa per me, mi servirà di lezione per la prossima estate.
Here we are! Day 20 of flower and the girls are thriving! I quickly learned that they required a heavier feeding due to some yellowing. Gave them a little extra feeding of the advanced nutrients and the yellowing stopped. This week, I also top dressed with some worm castings. They seem to be taking it well. I think I may double the feeding each week and see how they react.
Harvest day 67 since time switch to 12 / 12 h Hey guys :-) Finally it's time 💚 The lady is done the large leaves have been removed and hung upside down to dry in the dark drying room. You can now stay there for 13-15 days at a temperature of 18-20 degrees and 55-62% humidity. After 13-15 days it is neatly trimmed by hand and placed in jars with boveda packs 62. After 4 weeks Boveda 58% come in and are ready for testing ;-). After everything has been cut cleanly, the last update comes with the smoke report and the finished pictures. Have fun and stay healthy 💚🙏🏻 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ‘Powered by GreenHouse Feeding’ Copy the link for 10% off all Nutrients 👇🏼 affiliate/madelngermany_passiongrower/ 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 Water 💧 💧💧 Osmosis water mixed with Cal/Mag (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 290 ppm and Ph with Ph- to 5.8 - 6.4 MadeInGermany
Day 64: It seems to go well. I am still keeping an eye on the "hanging" leaves. I think they tend to hang a little more when light on, and less with light off but its hard to say if it is normal. It might be as @GrowingGrannie mentioned, they might be under watered, as there is not much run-off at the last couple of watering's, maybe 1l each time and I will give them a 30% run-off next time to be sure UPDATE: I have noticed some more brown spots on the right plant caused by Calcium Deficiency. I think I should up the PH a bit more, going for 6.5 this time. I will also increase my CalMag supplement by 50%, and do 30% run-off today Day 66: Thank you all for the kind answers 🙏 You all have different opinions, and it is hard to pinpoint the exact problem. I am almost certain that I got some heat/light stress as mentioned by @GrowingGrannie and @Chow_13. I have therefore raised the lamp and are keeping the dimmer very low, using about 140W in total. I am still investigating if there might be other problems to it. @m0use, thank you for your answer. I do not think they are thirsty, at least not any more, as I am already on the subject for the last couple of days. About PH, It was difficult to get a good picture of the PH solution, but it was light-green to green (6.5-7.0) on the picture (And that was run-off PH) and what I put in was adjusted slowly from yellow to light-green aka 6.0-6.5 (I wrote 6.25 but it was auto adjusted) @gottagrowsometime, thank you for the answer. I do not think it is a nitrogen toxicity. My leaves aren't that dark green, although they are a bit to the dark side but not like what I see on other pictures with that problem. I also think the curling is caused by light/heat stress as I just got a new lamp and are experimenting with it. But I will keep your suggestion in the back of my head! @Chow_13, thank you very much for your answer. I think you are spot on, however I am not sure it is the only problem... It might be as you say, nutrients are not absorbed correctly due to the light-stress, but I will not put all my money on that @Nugsery and @GrowingGrannie, a big thank you for your answers. The deficiencies might not be the same, but the cure is very similar. I cannot make up who is right, but I do have a plan. I will follow your recommendation @GrowingGrannie and @Nugsery, and do a flush, but with a ph 5.8 as both nutrients should be able to be absorbed in that level. I will then give her a light nutrient mix and adding PK, also 5.8 ph. This is almost the same solution for both deficiencies. I will then slowly get the ph back to 6.2 @ernesttwwg, thank you for your answer. I have known for some time I have some Interveinal chlorosis, but I do not know what is causing it. There is multiple deficiencies giving those symptoms. The tacoing of leaves, and leaf tips curling down I think is caused by the light, and I have therefor raised the light. I will keep investigating the symptoms you mention OBS: I will not edit my nutrient schema as this is only temporarily, next watering will be as described UPDATE: After flushing with 15L~ ph 5.8~ and a small feed with 5.8~ ph I still get about 6.5~ ph in my run-off water. I am going to do another flush tomorrow to see I can bring it down to around 6.0~ ph Day 67: I think I see small improvements on the leaves. The new heat/light level seem to have done something. I did that second flush and are still getting about 6.5 ph in run-off.... I think I will let her dry for now, monitoring what happens, and do another flush in a couple of days
Harvest day 66 since time switch to 12 / 12 h Hey guys :-) Finally it's time 💚 The lady is done the large leaves have been removed and hung upside down to dry in the dark drying room. You can now stay there for 13-15 days at a temperature of 18-20 degrees and 55-62% humidity. After 13-15 days it is neatly trimmed by hand and placed in jars with boveda packs 62. After 4 weeks Boveda 58% come in and are ready for testing ;-). After everything has been cut cleanly, the last update comes with the smoke report and the finished pictures. Let's get to the plant 💚. First of all I would like to compliment Green House for this genetics. Unfortunately, the rating system at Growdiaries is a bit strange because I have to give the stars before the Smoke Report and in the end it might have led to more stars in terms of taste. The growth was great from start to finish. She had no problems at all and also had no problems with animals 👍. I'm amazed at the great smell the beautiful buds give off😀. Of course I cut cuttings and if the taste is as good as the smell it will be grown again ☺️. A final report comes with the Smoke Report. Until then, I would like to say thank you to the whole Green House team and wish you all the best fun with the diary 💚🙏🏻 Have fun and stay healthy 💚🙏🏻 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ‘Powered by GreenHouse Feeding’ Copy the link for 10% off all Nutrients 👇🏼 affiliate/madelngermany_passiongrower/ 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 Water 💧 💧💧 Osmosis water mixed with Cal/Mag (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 290 ppm and Ph with Ph- to 5.8 - 6.4 MadeInGermany
Harvest day 68 since time switch to 12 / 12 h Hey guys :-) Finally it's time 💚 The lady is done the large leaves have been removed and hung upside down to dry in the dark drying room. You can now stay there for 13-15 days at a temperature of 18-20 degrees and 55-62% humidity. After 13-15 days it is neatly trimmed by hand and placed in jars with boveda packs 62. After 4 weeks Boveda 58% come in and are ready for testing ;-). After everything has been cut cleanly, the last update comes with the smoke report and the finished pictures. Let's get to the plant 💚. First of all I would like to compliment Green House for this genetics. Unfortunately, the rating system at Growdiaries is a bit strange because I have to give the stars before the Smoke Report and in the end it might have led to more stars in terms of taste. The growth was great from start to finish. She had no problems at all and also had no problems with animals 👍. I'm amazed at the great smell the beautiful buds give off😀. Of course I cut cuttings and if the taste is as good as the smell it will be grown again ☺️. A final report comes with the Smoke Report. Until then, I would like to say thank you to the whole Green House team and wish you all the best fun with the diary 💚🙏🏻 Have fun and stay healthy 💚🙏🏻 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ‘Powered by GreenHouse Feeding’ Copy the link for 10% off all Nutrients 👇🏼 affiliate/madelngermany_passiongrower/ 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 Water 💧 💧💧 Osmosis water mixed with Cal/Mag (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 290 ppm and Ph with Ph- to 5.8 - 6.4 MadeInGermany
Harvest day 68 since time switch to 12 / 12 h Hey guys :-) Finally it's time 💚 The lady is done the large leaves have been removed and hung upside down to dry in the dark drying room. You can now stay there for 13-15 days at a temperature of 18-20 degrees and 55-62% humidity. After 13-15 days it is neatly trimmed by hand and placed in jars with boveda packs 62. After 4 weeks Boveda 58% come in and are ready for testing ;-). After everything has been cut cleanly, the last update comes with the smoke report and the finished pictures. Let's get to the plant 💚. First of all I would like to compliment Green House for this genetics. Unfortunately, the rating system at Growdiaries is a bit strange because I have to give the stars before the Smoke Report and in the end it might have led to more stars in terms of taste. Unfortunately, this phenotype is nothing special, which is very annoying given the price :-( The smell is ok, but nothing great, but the high is good, which is less important to me. Have fun and stay healthy 💚🙏🏻 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ‘Powered by GreenHouse Feeding’ Copy the link for 10% off all Nutrients 👇🏼 affiliate/madelngermany_passiongrower/ 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 Water 💧 💧💧 Osmosis water mixed with Cal/Mag (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 290 ppm and Ph with Ph- to 5.8 - 6.4 MadeInGermany
Harvest day 68 since time switch to 12 / 12 h Hey guys :-) Finally it's time 💚 The lady is done the large leaves have been removed and hung upside down to dry in the dark drying room. You can now stay there for 13-15 days at a temperature of 18-20 degrees and 55-62% humidity. After 13-15 days it is neatly trimmed by hand and placed in jars with boveda packs 62. After 4 weeks Boveda 58% come in and are ready for testing ;-). After everything has been cut cleanly, the last update comes with the smoke report and the finished pictures. Let's get to the plant 💚. First of all I would like to compliment Green House for this genetics. Unfortunately, the rating system at Growdiaries is a bit strange because I have to give the stars before the Smoke Report and in the end it might have led to more stars in terms of taste. Unfortunately, this phenotype is nothing special, which is very annoying given the price :-( The smell is ok, but nothing great, but the high is good, which is less important to me. Have fun and stay healthy 💚🙏🏻 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ‘Powered by GreenHouse Feeding’ Copy the link for 10% off all Nutrients 👇🏼 affiliate/madelngermany_passiongrower/ 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 Water 💧 💧💧 Osmosis water mixed with Cal/Mag (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 290 ppm and Ph with Ph- to 5.8 - 6.4 MadeInGermany
Harvest day 66 since time switch to 12 / 12 h Hey guys :-) Finally it's time 💚 The lady is done the large leaves have been removed and hung upside down to dry in the dark drying room. You can now stay there for 13-15 days at a temperature of 18-20 degrees and 55-62% humidity. After 13-15 days it is neatly trimmed by hand and placed in jars with boveda packs 62. After 4 weeks Boveda 58% come in and are ready for testing ;-). After everything has been cut cleanly, the last update comes with the smoke report and the finished pictures. Let's get to the plant 💚. Unfortunately, the rating system at Growdiaries is a bit strange because I have to give the stars before the Smoke Report and in the end it might have led to more stars in terms of taste. . The smell is great I'm curious about the taste 💚 Have fun and stay healthy 💚🙏🏻 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ‘Powered by GreenHouse Feeding’ Copy the link for 10% off all Nutrients 👇🏼 affiliate/madelngermany_passiongrower/ 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 Water 💧 💧💧 Osmosis water mixed with Cal/Mag (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 290 ppm and Ph with Ph- to 5.8 - 6.4 MadeInGermany
Harvest day 66 since time switch to 12 / 12 h Hey guys :-) Finally it's time 💚 The lady is done the large leaves have been removed and hung upside down to dry in the dark drying room. You can now stay there for 13-15 days at a temperature of 18-20 degrees and 55-62% humidity. After 13-15 days it is neatly trimmed by hand and placed in jars with boveda packs 62. After 4 weeks Boveda 58% come in and are ready for testing ;-). After everything has been cut cleanly, the last update comes with the smoke report and the finished pictures. Let's get to the plant 💚. Unfortunately, the rating system at Growdiaries is a bit strange because I have to give the stars before the Smoke Report and in the end it might have led to more stars in terms of taste. . The smell is great I'm curious about the taste 💚 Have fun and stay healthy 💚🙏🏻 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ‘Powered by GreenHouse Feeding’ Copy the link for 10% off all Nutrients 👇🏼 affiliate/madelngermany_passiongrower/ 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 Water 💧 💧💧 Osmosis water mixed with Cal/Mag (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 290 ppm and Ph with Ph- to 5.8 - 6.4 MadeInGermany
Harvest day 72 since time switch to 12 / 12 h Hey guys :-) Finally it's time 💚 The lady is done the large leaves have been removed and hung upside down to dry in the dark drying room. You can now stay there for 13-15 days at a temperature of 18-20 degrees and 55-62% humidity. After 13-15 days it is neatly trimmed by hand and placed in jars with boveda packs 62. After 4 weeks Boveda 58% come in and are ready for testing ;-). After everything has been cut cleanly, the last update comes with the smoke report and the finished pictures. Let's get to the plant 💚. Unfortunately, the rating system at Growdiaries is a bit strange because I have to give the stars before the Smoke Report and in the end it might have led to more stars in terms of taste. The growth was great from start to finish. She had no problems at all and also had no problems with animals 👍. I'm amazed at the great smell the beautiful buds give off😀. Of course I cut cuttings and if the taste is as good as the smell it will be grown again ☺️. A final report comes with the Smoke Report. Have fun and stay healthy 💚🙏🏻 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ‘Powered by GreenHouse Feeding’ Copy the link for 10% off all Nutrients 👇🏼 affiliate/madelngermany_passiongrower/ 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 Water 💧 💧💧 Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.8 - 6.5 MadeInGermany