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Feb 13th - last nite confirmed something that I had noticed over the last couple of weeks. There is a difference in how fast each of the 3 plants pics up its moisture. The blue God was very dry while the Colombian was at the other end of the scale; still moist. The A.G. is always between these two, never the same. - big feed tonight @ 16L / 3 plants - upon checking the Pots moisture levels, it was decided NOT to feed the Colombian Gold. The soils Moisture level was still too moist to go ahead and give it a big feeding. I can wait a day or two till it needs it. Pictures attached; identical conditions; solid schedule, the Colombian just stays wetter, longer. It now gets its 5.33 Litres a little behind the others. May 16th, - feeding day for the Colombian Gold and some trichome shots of the Blue God May 17th, - holding off on the Flush of B.G. till Wed. Still lots of clear trichomes, very few amber. May19th, -wow, talk about life getting in the way. And its all good. Its has just been very busy, And the plants need attention. As highlighted earlier, Blue God is at the end of week 6 now and tonite is its last meal; as per normal. Acapulco and Colombian are still too moist. - pictures and updates tonight May 20th - flush carried-out - tent empied washed; yikes - it is the end of week 7 for the Acapulco, and it get flushed at the end of week 8 with the Colombian. As busy as things have been, there will be lots of scrutiny in the next couple of weeks, as the Trichome watch begins.
As my second Viperspectra light hasn't arrived yet, I've temporarily supplemented with my old red/blue LED grow lights (likely best for veg only) from China.
Day 36: "Hey everyone! Just a quick update: I removed a few more leaves here and there and did one last round of LST (low stress training). 🌿 The plants are looking great, and I'm going to let them recover now before sending them into the flowering stage. I'm really excited to see them start blooming in 2-3 weeks! Also, a quick update on our temperature issue: today, the temperature stayed below 26.8°C, which is great news! However, we still need to find a solution to keep the humidity levels up. Our 360 m³/h exhaust system isn't able to maintain the required humidity level. I've calculated that we need a humidifier that can evaporate 1800ml/h to maintain 60-70% humidity, which would help manage the temperature better. Does anyone have tips for a good humidifier or other methods to control the humidity and temperature? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Day 37: Hey everyone! Tomorrow, we're planning to buy some Cal-Mag because we suspect the yellowing leaves might be due to a calcium-magnesium deficiency. We're also going to get a pH test kit to make sure everything is balanced properly. Do you think this is a good idea? Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Day 38: Hey everyone! Quick update: it turns out the yellowing leaves were due to a nitrogen deficiency. We increased the fertilizer dosage today, so the plants should start looking better in 4 to 5 days. 🌿 Thanks for all the support and suggestions Day 39: Hey everyone! Another quick update: after increasing the fertilizer yesterday to address the nitrogen deficiency, it should take about 4 to 5 days for the yellow leaves to turn green again. 🌿 We're already seeing improvements! The plants have grown significantly and are developing a dense canopy once more. It's great to see them bouncing back so quickly! Day 41: "Hey everyone! Quick update: we've removed the bands we were using for LST (low stress training) and are now letting the plants grow freely. 🌿 We plan to keep them in the vegetative phase for about one more week before transitioning them to the flowering phase. Excited to see how they continue to develop!"
Divine indica is growing great. She is really healthy, and happy looking. She has been doing some stretching, about a inch a day. She will be due for a solution change pretty soon. Thank you Spider Farmer, and Divine Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Englisch Week 3 is coming to an end and the ladies are growing magnificently. The only real outlier is Gelato #4, I don't know whether it was too stressed because of the repotting or why it isn't growing as fast as the others. When fertilizing, I continue to follow the feeding chart and Athena's hand watering strategy. The plants are accepting the very high dose of fertilizer wonderfully, which is somewhat to my astonishment, as I am not used to running these high EC levels from the start. Now that my Par Meter has finally arrived, I can keep a better eye on the light levels, which are currently at 500u/mol. Deutsch Woche 3 neigt sich dem Ende zu und die Ladies wachsen prächtig. Den einzigen richtigen Ausreißer macht die Gelato #4, ich weiß nicht ob sie wegen des Umtopfens zu viel Stress hatte, oder woran es liegt, dass sie nicht so schnell wie die anderen 4 wächst. Beim Düngen halte ich mich weiterhin an das feeding chart und die hand watering strategy von Athena. Die Pflanzen nehmen die doch sehr hohe Dosis Dünger wunderbar an, was etwas zu meinem Erstaunen ist, da ich es nicht gewohnt bin diese hohen EC Werte von Anfang an zu fahren. Da nun endlich mein Par Meter angekommen ist, habe ich die Lichtwerte auch etwas besser im Blick, womit wir aktuell bei 500u/mol liege.
Heya👍🤙👍🌱 I started a growers Tips videos. Check out my Facebook profile: Big BIG BIG thank you to Sebastien, Heather from Fastbuds420. You guys are the best. Can't wait for the next live. Even Bigger shout out to My local Hydro Shop and Sponsor. Thank you Sir. 👍🤙👍🌱
Holky opět dostaly čaj. Tentokrát jsem ho vařil 36 hodin. Květy mi přijdou poněkud malé na to že ukončily 4. Týden květu ale snad jeste překvapí 🙂 mám v ně víru. 🙏🙏 Začíná se objevovat velmi příjemná vůně sladkého citrónu 🤤 Blumat závlaha funguje jak má. Springtails si dál vesele poskakují v substrátu a rostliny nevykazují žádný stres takže nemám důvod jim ubližovat 😉
Eccoci qui... In questa prima settimana di fioritura ho notato come le due piccoline abbiano avuto questa crescita così esponenziale e come tutte le collab DA ORA SI INIZIA CON I VIDEO per testimoniare meglio la fioritura!!! Grazie a @KhalifaGenetics per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
Plants have now been somewhat defoliated, sex of the plants can now also be determined. Fertilized according to Bio-Bizz Shema It was watered every 2 days. ___ Pflanzen wurden nun etwas entlaubt, Geschlecht der Pflanzen lässt sich nun auch schon bestimmen. Gedüngt wurde nach Bio-Bizz Shema Gegossen wurde alle 2 Tage.
Die erste Woche ist da die Pfalze in der Mitte hat leider ihren Samen erst recht spät abgeworfen. Deswegen glaube ich das die bisschen gespargelt hat. Die Pflnazen schlucken langsam immer mehr Wasser. Sie fangen sehr leicht an zu riechen. Luftfeuchtigkeit immer zwischen 60-70 % Temperatur 20-25 grad
Die erste Woche ist da die Pfalze in der Mitte hat leider ihren Samen erst recht spät abgeworfen. Deswegen glaube ich das die bisschen gespargelt hat. Die Pflnazen schlucken langsam immer mehr Wasser. Sie fangen sehr leicht an zu riechen. Luftfeuchtigkeit immer zwischen 60-70 % Temperatur 20-25 grad
Eccoci qui... Settimana prossima si tagliaaaaa!!!! Finalemente siamo arrivati alla fine con questa piccola mi sono divertito è stato bellissimo coltivarla outdoor, è venuta bassa ma molto molto compatta!!! Grazie a tutti per il supporto
Hallo lieber Grower, hier mein erster Grow^^ Nach 3 Tagen Wasserbad alle in die Erde gelegt mit der Wurzel nach unten zeigend. Bis alle aus der Erde kommen 24/7 Licht. Dann 18/6 Luftfeuchtigkeit auserhalb des mini Gewächshäuschens 60-70 % Temperatur 20-25 grad
Die erste Woche ist da die Pfalze in der Mitte hat leider ihren Samen erst recht spät abgeworfen. Deswegen glaube ich das die bisschen gespargelt hat. Die Pflnazen schlucken langsam immer mehr Wasser. Sie fangen sehr leicht an zu riechen. Luftfeuchtigkeit immer zwischen 60-70 % Temperatur 20-25 grad
Eccoci qui... Questa è una bestia!!! Pianta altissima con una colata di cime davvero molto molto interessanti, sono molto curioso di vederla alla fine mancheranno ancora 2/3 settimane ma non vedo l'ora di tagliarla!!! Grazie a @KannabiaSeeds e a @Xpertnutrients per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️