Feb 13th
- last nite confirmed something that I had noticed over the last couple of weeks. There is a difference in how fast each of the 3 plants pics up its moisture. The blue God was very dry while the Colombian was at the other end of the scale; still moist. The A.G. is always between these two, never the same.
- big feed tonight @ 16L / 3 plants
- upon checking the Pots moisture levels, it was decided NOT to feed the Colombian Gold. The soils Moisture level was still too moist to go ahead and give it a big feeding. I can wait a day or two till it needs it.
Pictures attached; identical conditions; solid schedule, the Colombian just stays wetter, longer. It now gets its 5.33 Litres a little behind the others.
May 16th,
- feeding day for the Colombian Gold and some trichome shots of the Blue God
May 17th,
- holding off on the Flush of B.G. till Wed. Still lots of clear trichomes, very few amber.
-wow, talk about life getting in the way. And its all good. Its has just been very busy, And the plants need attention. As highlighted earlier, Blue God is at the end of week 6 now and tonite is its last meal; as per normal. Acapulco and Colombian are still too moist.
- pictures and updates tonight
May 20th
- flush carried-out
- tent empied washed; yikes
- it is the end of week 7 for the Acapulco, and it get flushed at the end of week 8 with the Colombian. As busy as things have been, there will be lots of scrutiny in the next couple of weeks, as the Trichome watch begins.