The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
What can I say this was my largest single yield harvest to date - The BlackBerry OG from Emerald Triangle Seeds are worth growing and just be prepared to have a load of bud to trim, there are other strains that are east to trim than this one, it was laced with sugar leaves and took a while to trim up,, it was in the dry tent for 15 days, honestly I was worried and should have trusted my instinct and left it in longer, this may have made it easier to clean.. If you do not buy this stran and give it a try you are missing out!
I cleaned up the unnecessary leaves :) so far it looks perfect to me :)!!!! I hope for good weather conditions and a good finish, the update will be in about 2-3 weeks :)
Hello Diary. Looking back, it was another great trip. Titan F1 enters my list of my favorite strains. I think I wrote more or less everything that happened earlier, so I will continue to write the further course of events. Basically, I watered the plants two days before I harvested the Titan F1, because the two plants in the grow box were still maturing (Apollo F1 and Milky Way F1). I cut Titan at the bottom of the stand and hung the cut branches in a cardboard box to dry. As the flowers were very packed, the excess water in the plant created a lot of humidity and the best flowers went moldy. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to take photos because my wife immediately threw them away so as not to contaminate the rest. No messing around with mold. So the result is the following: Moldy flowers - 17g Good flowers - 48g Total of dried flowers Titan F1 - 65g If the mold hadn't happened, it would have been a good harvest. But the thing is, I have the other almost 50 g to enjoy. Thank you all for your support and I hope that this diary will encourage someone to try this great strain. Five for Titan F1. I would like to thank the Royal Queen Seeds team for supporting this wonderful hobby of mine for some time now.
Bonjour à tous , Ont peux dire que maintenant la floraison à commencé pour ces demoiselles , certaines sont encore en retard , en près floraisons je dirais mais ça avance ! Les journee diminue et donc la nuit arrive plus tôt dans la journée Cependant je ne sais pas pourquoi celles ci ne sont pas toutes au même niveau... La semaine dernière je voulais arrêter l'apport en azote mais je vois qu'il y a de grosse carrence donc je repars sur une production de purin d'ortie que je continuerais à apporter en plus petite quantité au long des semaines avenir afin qu'il n'y est plus de carrence.... L'odeur est forte à présent , réellement forte.. 🙌😁 Je continue le palissage / LST tous les 2 à 3 jours et cela deviens de plus en plus compliqué mais j'aime ça 😂🍀 J'ai ajouté de la cendre de bois au pieds de ces demoiselles et continue à leurs fournir des peau de bananes à foison !!!! Je pense fournir plus de photo durant cette semaine en espérant que l'azote apporté aura un réel impact pour épargné ces carrence Petit retour également de la Black Domina 0 qui se porte à merveille dehors avec un très beau début de floraison !! Yoouupiii Voila voilà 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
Bonjour à tous , Ont peux dire que maintenant la floraison à commencé pour ces demoiselles , certaines sont encore en retard , en près floraisons je dirais mais ça avance ! Les journee diminue et donc la nuit arrive plus tôt dans la journée Cependant je ne sais pas pourquoi celles ci ne sont pas toutes au même niveau... La semaine dernière je voulais arrêter l'apport en azote mais je vois qu'il y a de grosse carrence donc je repars sur une production de purin d'ortie que je continuerais à apporter en plus petite quantité au long des semaines avenir afin qu'il n'y est plus de carrence.... L'odeur est forte à présent , réellement forte.. 🙌😁 Je continue le palissage / LST tous les 2 à 3 jours et cela deviens de plus en plus compliqué mais j'aime ça 😂🍀 J'ai ajouté de la cendre de bois au pieds de ces demoiselles et continue à leurs fournir des peau de bananes à foison !!!! Je pense fournir plus de photo durant cette semaine en espérant que l'azote apporté aura un réel impact pour épargné ces carrence Petit retour également de la Black Domina 0 qui se porte à merveille dehors avec un très beau début de floraison !! Yoouupiii Voila voilà 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
Smoke is amazing. Barely needs a cure to even taste good. I’m sure a nice cure would bring the sweet caramel flavor out as there is a hint of it in the smoke. But I’m low on weed so this would have to do.
Smoke is amazing. Barely needs a cure to even taste good. I’m sure a nice cure would bring the sweet caramel flavor out as there is a hint of it in the smoke. But I’m low on weed so this would have to do.
Provedl jsem extrémní defoliaci své jungle. odebral jsem téměř všechny trochu větší listy pro snížení vlhkosti, lepší proudění vzduchu. Světlo nyní svítí na všechny květy. Bohužel jsem narazil na nějaké škůdce které jsem před defoliací objevit nemohl . Většina napadených listů byla odstraněna a zbytek jsem postříkal vývarem z tabáku.
Provedl jsem extrémní defoliaci své jungle. odebral jsem téměř všechny trochu větší listy pro snížení vlhkosti, lepší proudění vzduchu. Světlo nyní svítí na všechny květy. Bohužel jsem narazil na nějaké škůdce které jsem před defoliací objevit nemohl . Většina napadených listů byla odstraněna a zbytek jsem postříkal vývarem z tabáku.
A NOTE ABOUT greenhouse zstrawberry the scent of the leaves is reminiscent of lemon peels it is very strong and more pungent than the others it differs from other houses the log suffered mortally from the heat the leaves curled up without water. HOT WEEK😵 the temperatures have risen abundantly and for three days the plants have not taken water they have lost a lot of foliage but I took advantage of the incident to defoliate and implement lollipopping I hope that B-52 will sanitize the structure before fertilizing with big bud in the meantime I have started to fertilize with SPRINT linea herba and fertilizer for flowering after several rinses I will keep low with the fertilizer and try to water more
8/26/2023 Day 53 veg: Did a heavy defoliation today, along with some lollipoping. Also, chopped the cover crop again, then cut it up and mixed with 1 cup of BuildASoil Craft Blend, 1/2 cup of Clackmas Coot Gnarly Barley, and 4 cups of BuildAFlower, to make a top dress. Before top dressing I sprinkled 1/2 tsp OptiVeg around the base of the plant, then added the top dress. Finally, I sprinkled the top of the soil with Growing Organic Kashi Blend. Then I mixed up some filtered water with Jay Plantspeaker Quillaja, BuildASoil Big 6, BuildABloom, Rootwise Mycrobe Complete and Bio-Phos, Fermented Comfrey Extract, and Thrive Yah-Whey. I watered the top of the soil just enough to get the topdress moist. Finally, I added the plastic cover the the earthbox. I will do one more topdress once I'm in the early stages of flower, but plan to mainly use the subirrigation from here on out. Also took a few clones today. 8/29/2023: she is just starting to hit the screen. The reservoir still has water in it, so not much more to report. 8/30/2023: the reservoir was dry today, so I filled it with water at a 6.4 ph. Also mixed in some calmag, silica, and some Yah-Whey Thrive. 9/1/2023: just tucking under the screen trying to spead things out a bit more before flipping to flower.
Week - 4 - Thus far everything is running fine. Dropped a 4x4 Ac infinity net for better light coverage and introduced an Exhale 365 Co2 bag. *End of Week 4 (Recap) - 08/21 Thus far all running smoothly - 1.5 - 2.0 Inch growth from Canopy C02 bag running ( 2 weeks ) Pulled into trellis Light Defo - Heavy nute feed
Week - 4 - Thus far everything is running fine. Dropped a 4x4 Ac infinity net for better light coverage and introduced an Exhale 365 Co2 bag. *End of Week 4 (Recap) - 08/21 Thus far all running smoothly - 1.5 - 2.0 Inch growth from Canopy C02 bag running ( 2 weeks ) Pulled into trellis Light Defo - Heavy nute feed
Week 3 Veg - Thus far running accordingly. No signs of stress or deficiencies. Introduced a Co2 bag (Exhale 265) to run into early flowering. *End of week recap* (08/27) User error during LST for both - Gave heavy nutes to assist on the rebound - Minor chance of stunting Besides the LST error - Running smoothly - Light flower will begin in 2 weeks.
Week 3 Veg - Thus far running accordingly. No signs of stress or deficiencies. Introduced a Co2 bag (Exhale 265) to run into early flowering. *End of week recap* (08/27) User error during LST for both - Gave heavy nutes to assist on the rebound - Minor chance of stunting Besides the LST error - Running smoothly - Light flower will begin in 2 weeks.