Each 1L jar has exactly 28g, it took a long time to sort through this. I think I left them hanging for maybe 6-12 hours too long as the RH in a lot of the jars are below 55% (target is 62%). Some remedial action was taken, and I cut off small pieces of the main stem or trunk from the left over carcasses which has successfully brought the RH back up over 60%.
The hash I made from dry ice and 160 micron bubble bags is on a whole other level, I have added a video close up of the pucks I made with a pollen press, almost 0 leaf matter! - This actually might be my new favourite way of smoking weed, hash on the common market is low quality and full of plant matter.
I ran her low on EC for the entire grow, using the Botanicare KIND range. Max EC was about 1.8 - but averaged between 1.2 and 1.6 throughout most of the flowering cycle.
This grow beats the hell out of my first, and I hope it wasn't just a lucky fluke! I ran the same lights, 2 x 315w Euro Style CMH fixtures.
Royal Gorilla from RQS is next up, will be posting a new diary very soon 😊
Happy growing all and thanks for stopping by!
1.26 g/w this grow, or a more accurate way of looking at it: 1.07g/umol 😊