The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
WEEK 2 DAY 14 Since last week the babies have taken off! They didn’t have much light until yesterday when I added another 100w led and since then I’ve seen a huge difference ! They are looking super healthy the roots said fuck the pot and grew right through it I’m actually super interested in seeing how these grow up.. The 3 clones that were separate last week are now moved into one single pot to further develop the experiment. They are on the same feed as the mother with flora grow/micro/bloom and cal-mag . And In the last picture you can see my ghettos man way of cloning .. going to see which 2 out of 4 are better rooted and I will move those to a pot in about a week or so. If you guys have any questions or want to know where I got these exotic seeds message me!! Or comment below !
Only 8 Clones remaining. I took the WW clone out. I took a lot of leaves and some branches. It was overcrowded...😶
D11 - The start of the second week of veg. The girl isn't very tall yet but she is looking healthy and vibrant, and I think it is fair to say at this point that this soil is just fine. I just got unlucky with bad seeds. Oh, well. Upwards and onwards! D14 - The girl is growing along nicely. Still low but is starting to spread out. I also trimmed the cover crop. D17 - The last day in week two of veg. She is slowly outgrowing her cup, and I'm going to transplant her next week.
the whole week plant was preparing for the harvest I flushed, I did HST, just thrust in it with a knife (I spied on this method from Zurban_Poisonia, thanks to him for the idea) this should help release the resin. buds looks great! I think that cool for such light (it consumes 93 watts) Harvest will be coming soon
Started giving the girls 1 hour a night at sub 60. By end of week it's up to 2 but will not exceed this. Added top dressings of azomite, sea kelp and greensand. Phi=1.618 The ratio or proportion, determined by Phi (1.618 …) was known to the Greeks as the “dividing a line in the extreme and mean ratio” and to Renaissance artists as the “Divine Proportion” It is also called the Golden Section, Golden Ratio and the Golden Mean. e = 2.718 The “e” symbol in maths represents Euler’s number which is approximately equal to 2.718 It is considered as one of the most important numbers in mathematics. It is an irrational number and it cannot be represented as a simple fraction. THORIUM Thorium, at atomic number 90, is one of the rarest elements. 232Th is a primordial nuclide, having existed in its current form for over ten billion years; it was formed during the r-process, which probably occurs in supernovae and neutron star mergers. These violent events scattered it across the galaxy. The letter "r" stands for "rapid neutron capture", and occurs in core-collapse supernovae, where heavy seed nuclei such as 56Fe rapidly capture neutrons, running up against the neutron drip line, as neutrons are captured much faster than the resulting nuclides can beta decay back toward stability. Neutron capture is the only way for stars to synthesize elements beyond iron because of the increased Coulomb barriers that make interactions between charged particles difficult at high atomic numbers and the fact that fusion beyond 56Fe is endothermic. Because of the abrupt loss of stability past 209Bi, the r-process is the only process of stellar nucleosynthesis that can create thorium and uranium; all other processes are too slow and the intermediate nuclei alpha decay before they capture enough neutrons to reach these elements. Histogram of estimated abundances of the 83 primordial elements in the Solar system Estimated abundances of the 83 primordial elements in the Solar system, plotted on a logarithmic scale. Thorium, at atomic number 90, is one of the rarest elements. In the universe, thorium is among the rarest of the primordial elements, because it is one of the two elements that can be produced only in the r-process (the other being uranium). POTASSIUM Potassium 40 is a radioisotope that can be found in trace amounts in natural potassium, is at the origin of more than half of the human body activity: undergoing between 4 and 5,000 decays every second for an 80kg man. Along with uranium and thorium, potassium contributes to the natural radioactivity of rocks and hence to the Earth heat. This isotope makes up one ten-thousandth of the potassium found naturally. In terms of atomic weight, it is located between two more stable and far more abundant isotopes (potassium 39 and potassium 41) that make up 93.25% and 6.73% of the Earth total potassium supply respectively. With a half-life of 1,251 billion years, potassium 40 existed in the remnants of dead stars whose agglomeration has led to the Solar System with its planets. Potassium 40 has the unusual property of decaying into two different nuclei: in 89% of cases beta-negative decay will lead to calcium 40, while 11% of the time argon 40 will be formed by electron capture followed by gamma emission at an energy of 1.46 MeV. This 1.46 MeV gamma ray is important, as it allows us to identify when potassium 40 decays. The beta electrons leading to calcium, however, are not accompanied by gamma rays, have no characteristic energies and rarely make it out of the rocks or bodies that contain potassium 40. Beta-minus decay indicates a nucleus with too many neutrons, electron capture a nucleus with too many protons. How can potassium 40 simultaneously have too many of both? The answer reveals one of the peculiarities of the nuclear forces. Everyone has roughly 140g of potassium = 0.016 grams of Potassium 40 = 5.643ounces The charge radius is a fundamental property of the atomic nucleus. Although it globally scales with the nuclear mass as A1/3, the nuclear charge radius also exhibits appreciable isotopic variations that are the result of complex interactions between protons and neutrons. Indeed, charge radii reflect various nuclear structure phenomena such as halo structures6, shape staggering7, shape coexistence8, pairing correlations9,10, neutron skins11, and the occurrence of nuclear magic numbers5,12,13. The term ‘magic number’ refers to the number of protons or neutrons corresponding to completely filled shells. In charge radii, a shell closure is observed as a sudden increase in the charge radius of the isotope just beyond magic shell closure, as seen, for example, at the well-known magic numbers N = 28, 50, 82 and 126 (refs. 5,12–14). In the nuclear mass region near potassium, the isotopes with proton number Z ≈ 20 and neutron number N = 32 are proposed to be magic on the basis of an observed sudden decrease in their binding energy beyond N = 32 (refs. 2,3) and the high excitation energy of the first excited state in 52Ca (ref. 1). Therefore, the experimentally observed a strong increase in the charge radii of calcium4 and potassium5 isotopes between N = 28 and N = 32, and in particular the large radius of 51K and 52Ca (both having 32 neutrons), have attracted substantial attention. “A cat has 9 lives” “On cloud 9” “Dressed to the nines” To go “the whole nine yards” “A stitch in time saves nine” “Nine-ness” seems to be synonymous with the maximum, with the furthest extent of what’s possible. With fullness, completion, and when every effort has been exhausted. In the ancient world (which is, let’s face it, is where numbers and their spiritual power were understood SO much more than they are today) the number 9 resonated with sacred structure, and the furthest limitations of this world, before human experience meets the Divine. Perhaps more than any other, the number nine had an extra special significance, which spread far and wide. It features across pretty much all cultures, worldwide, rippling through culture, mythology, history, law and time. Nine is the central number in the ancient Celtic tradition. Nine expresses through the triple Goddess (see Number 3) and in myths of the nine Celtic maidens, or sorceresses. In fact, stories of nine mystical women presiding over nature spread from England, Ireland and Wales, to Scandinavia, Iceland and even as far as Kenya. Even today, it’s tradition for nine groups of nine men to dance around Beltane fires. The limit of winter (which is what Beltane Almost all of the mythological tales from around the world have patterns of the number 9 weaving throughout. The Northern European sagas tell of Odin, who rules over the nine Norse worlds. His trial, to win the secrets of wisdom for mankind, was to hang on the Yggdrasil tree for nine days. Demeter, the Greek Goddess of the Earth searched for nine days for her daughter Persephone (who was in the underworld with Hades). Demeter is often depicted holding nine pieces of corn. Once recovered, Persephone was obliged to spend three months per year below the ground, and nine months above. Native American, Mayan and Aztec myths tell of a total of nine cosmic levels (and many of the temples comprise 9 stories). And in ancient China, nine was the most auspicious number of divine power: the Chinese had nine sacred rites, nine social laws, nine classes of officials in the government and built nine-story pagodas. In astrology, the planet Mars vibrates to the frequency of the nine. The ninth sign of the Zodiac is Sagittarius (where the Sun sails from November 22nd – December 21st) In Tarot, card number nine is the Hermit. In Hinduism, nine is the number of Brahma. In the Greek Sagas, the city of Troy was under siege for nine years.
Trimmed out some, flushed and replenished the nutrients- looking at 3/4 more weeks until it’s done I think! Plant seems very healthy- and dense! I can see needing proper airflow in harvest will be important. Any insight on Hindu mints/kush afghani strains hit me up!
I liked the taste, loved that the sugar leaves are filled with trichomes but it's just too little of a harvest for the effort. BTW, math is all wrong on the g/watt The Bestva 2000w doesn't use 1400w it uses around 390w Also, I put 25m2 because that's the total size of the tent that I used, it doesn't mean that 1 m2 would need 4 of those lamps. Also, it draws half of that when only veg is turned on. So, the correct math would be - 185w * 56 days of veg (18h) - 390w * 70 days of flower (12h) - 10g dry material - Total space around 25% of the tent Veg cycle: 185w / 1000 = 0.185 kW/h 0.185 kWh x 18 hours per day = 3.33 kW per day 3.3 kW per day x 56 day veg cycle = 186.48 kW per veg cycle for the whole tent 186.48 * 0.25 = 46kW for the area covered by the plant Flower cycle: 390w / 1000 = 0.39 kW/h 0.39 kWh x 12 hours per day = 4.68 kW per day 4.68 kW per day x 70 day flower cycle = 327.6 kW per flower cycle for the whole tent 327.6 * 0.25 = 81.9kW for the area covered by the plant Total: 46 kW (veg) + 81.9 kWh (flower) = 127.9 kW per entire cycle for the area covered by the plant 10 grams dried / 127.9 kWh = 0.08 grams per kW --- Total Harvest Total Harvest = 11g Choco + 66g KDA + 46g BC = 123g Total kW = 186.48 + 327.6 = 514.08 123g / 514.08 = 0.23 grams per kw
Welcome back to everyone in the enchanted valley of Peaky! Our splendid californian shoots continue to swell and produce sugars stuck under the net where we tried to give space even to the most underlying ones! see you around xoxo
A-Day 81, B&C-Day 77 A- Is already 1/2 way through week 12, she almost all cloudy, with some amber tricomes now. I have started her “flush” just water for two feeds now. I’m going to keep watch, and see when is the right time, no rushing this go around . 🌱😎💨 B- is doing great, fattening up daily. A few more weeks at least, I hope she gets as big as her sister A 😍she got a full strength dose of nutrients twice this week and a water only feed in between. PPM was close to 1000 . C- is thickening up, I have her a slight defoliation and tied her down a bit to spread her branches. She is turning into a beast 🤩she also got 2 full dose feeds, and a water in between. Just keep spinning them around to get the even coverage.
A-Day 81, B&C-Day 77 A- Is already 1/2 way through week 12, she almost all cloudy, with some amber tricomes now. I have started her “flush” just water for two feeds now. I’m going to keep watch, and see when is the right time, no rushing this go around . 🌱😎💨 B- is doing great, fattening up daily. A few more weeks at least, I hope she gets as big as her sister A 😍she got a full strength dose of nutrients twice this week and a water only feed in between. PPM was close to 1000 . C- is thickening up, I have her a slight defoliation and tied her down a bit to spread her branches. She is turning into a beast 🤩she also got 2 full dose feeds, and a water in between. Just keep spinning them around to get the even coverage.