She is loaded right now very heavy and potent yielding plant oh yeah thanks 420 fastbuds I will be getting more of your seeds you rock
Guys im so happy I boughy fastbuds seeds
It was great to see this second seed pop an amazing grapefruit we did fiming and she eneded up with many colas and many flowers plus super frosty and smelly
Also turned purple all buds which to us was a surprise and did not expect that
Since last grapefruit was different than this
Thanks a lot for all your support
Imagine if we had a full spectrum light
I think we would be growing trees
Honestly we have more than we expected
COMING from an Indoor thats nearly located in a tropical climate of 30/33 degrees most of the year and with that said raising temps very hot sometimes very humid thats close to the equator
So we have to use A/C all times and maintain humidity levels by spraying all walls to keep it around 45/60% while ac is on remember droping temps so we have to make it as comfortable as possible and that its not easy in this side of the world
OR either you need a lot of money which I dont have yet to build a super setup and a separate ROOM with all of that temp and great humidity lvls so yeah we do what we can with our budget
We live somwhere where things are pretty much fckd up but it is what it is
Hey at least we are safe because it is illegal lol so yeah brothers we have hard times
And still with all risk we here doing our best
Showing all support
Showing im greatful
TO find a space like this where
We all can share like and Comment
And help each other grow better everyday
Blessings to you all
Keep EM buds coming
Happy growing