The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
So liebe grower, 20 Wochen voller Spannung sind für mich ins Land gezogen und ich muss sagen ich bin begeistert von dieser Sorte, das Wachstum verlief gut und sie hat sich fast garnicht für mein topping und lst Interessiert und einfach weiter gemacht mit ihrem Wachstum. In der blüte gab es dann ein paar Probleme mit Überdüngung die ich verursacht habe was mich sicherlich Ertrag gekostet hat aber dank der fleißigen Helfer hier auf Grow diaries war das Problem schnell gelöst und der Schaden minimal gehalten danke schon mal an euch ihr seid die besten. Aber ein ganz besonderes Dankeschön möchte ich an Mrs Larimar richten da er/sie mir bei einigen Fragen geholfen hat und eigendlich immer gleich zur Stelle war wenn was mit meinen Ladys war, also danke Mrs Larimar du hast 1000 likes verdient für deine Arbeit die du hier auf Grow diaries leistest. Zum eigendlich en Ergebnis zurück gelato 41#1 hatt 374,94 gramm abgeworfen, gelato 41#2 hatt 361,01 gramm her gegeben, gelato 41#3 satte 370,37 gramm und zu guter letzt gelato 41 #4 330,29 gramm sind insgesamt 1436,61 gramm nass Gewicht. Ich bin mehr als zufrieden mit dem Ergebniss und finde das gelato 41 ein guter produktiver Cannabis stamm ist. Zu dem Wachstum der Knospen im allgemeinen kann ich sagen das bei 4 Ladys 3 verschiedene Profile raus kamen gelato 41 #1 und #4 haben eher längliche colas entwickelt die relativ fest sind gelato 41 #2 hat eher tennis Bälle produziert die echt hart wie holzbälle sind und gelato 41 #3 war ne Mischung aus den beiden. Zum Geruch der sich über die gesammte blüte immer wieder verändert hat es fing an mit zitrus Noten die dann gepaart wurden mit so nem cremigen touch dann kam ein hauch von Minze hinzu und ganz am Ende Rochen die Ladys nach cremigen sauerlichen Beeren mit leichtem Zitronen Duft der gepaart mit cremiger minz Note einher geht einfach nur lecker im Duft. Trocken Gewicht werde ich updaten wenn die Ladys in die Gläser gehen und Rauch Bericht nr.1 folgt dann ca 14 Tage später und Rauch Bericht Nr2 weitere 14 Tage später, euch allen noch einen wunder schönen Grow mit reichlich ernte und bis zum nächsten Bericht cu........
Start of second week. Everything is going ok. Getting used to coco. Watering every day, getting about 10-20% runoff. No signs of problems on plant, seems to be healthy and happy. Getting about 10-20% runoff. Day 8 - 500ml with nutrients. Day 9 - 750ml with nutrients. Day 10 - 600ml water. Day 11 - 750ml with nutrients. Day 12 - 750ml with nutrients. Day 13 - 1L 250ml with nutrients. Day 14 - 1.5L with nutrients. Peace.
Topped her on day 11 and upped the maxigro a little. She is making steady progress. I expect her to take off in the next few days. Will start some training before the end of week 3. Just another boring plant at this point but stick around for a while and I bet that will change....
Ya estoy de nuevo familia, vuelvo actualizar, la primera semana de floración de estas Casey,s rollex O.G. Están gozando con un buen crecimiento y buena vegetación. Ya marcó su sexo 3/3 hembras, las condiciones climáticas si están siendo óptimas en este espacio. . La humedad la tengo al 50% la temperatura está entre 21/25 grados , y el ph está en 5,8/6,0. . AgroBeta: 0,6 ml x L Flowering black line , vía radicular. 0,3 ml x L Tucán , vía radicular. 0,8 ml x L Génesis, vía radicular. 0,1 ml x L Betazyme, vía radicular. 0,05 ml x L Gold Joker, vía radicular. 0,2 ml x L Silver, vía radicular. . Hasta aquí es todo amigos, buenos humos fumetillas💨💨💨.
Hola familia, ya acabamos l tercera semana de floración de estas critical a granel. Hubo un problema el cual se cree que se está controlando, y es que a raíz de unas bajas temperaturas en horario nocturno se tuvo que controlar temperaturas , lo cual cometí el error de abrir la puerta y romper el ciclo nocturno . Resumiendo el problema está en que han salido varías Hermafroditas, todas las cercanas a la puerta a pero... sabemos que ocurrió y que el problema fue ambiental, rocié las plantas y se quitaron todos los plátanos. Iremos controlando la situación y seguiré adelante hasta el final , ya veremos que sale. . La humedad esta al 45% la temperatura está entre 21/25 grados , y como siempre el ph , ya que es de lo más importante,está en 5,8/6,0. . AgroBeta: 1 ml x L Flowering black line , vía radicular. 0,2 ml x L Beta shark, vía radicular. 0,3 ml x L Tucán , vía radicular. 0,1 ml x L Betazyme, vía radicular. 0,2 ml x L Flash Root , vía radicular. 0,05 ml x L Gold Joker, vía radicular. 0,2 ml x L Silver, vía radicular. . Hasta aquí todo familia 🕸️ , un saludo y buenos humos fumetillas💨💨💨.
De nuevo familia, os actualizo la siguiente semana de estas maravillas, cookies gelato. Hubo problemas ambientales, los cuales al romper el ciclo salieron plátanos , pero los pillamos a tiempo rociamos y eliminamos todos los posibles plátanos. Veremos cómo avanza pero no se abandonará ningún trabajo, hasta el final. . La humedad esta al 45% la temperatura está entre 21/25 grados , y como siempre el ph , ya que es de lo más importante,está en 5,8/6,0. . AgroBeta: 1 ml x L Flowering black line , vía radicular. 0,2 ml x L Beta shark, vía radicular. 0,3 ml x L Tucán , vía radicular. 0,1 ml x L Betazyme, vía radicular. 0,05 ml x L Gold Joker, vía radicular. 0,2 ml x L Silver, vía radicular. . Hasta aquí todo familia 🕸️ , un saludo y buenos humos fumetillas💨💨💨.
I cant state enough how dank this plant is. The smell on her is so sour it makes your nose burn. The smallest flowers are a little bigger than golf balls and rock hard. With 20-30 days to go, I am excited to see the results.
The size of the colas on this plant is unbelievable. 8 to 10 inches long and as big around as a soda can. 20-30 days left and this dank beast is gonna be heavy!
Welcome to my bubble gum xl diary Genetics: Royal Queen seeds Developing is good, looks nice and healthy. Topped/fimmed 4 side branches, Lets see how this one comes out, thinking about putting her on 12/12 somewhere in the coming week, maybe next week
Day 42 Update : Well folks , we are getting towards a finish now. The FFT #8 is still a bud on a stick style so we won't visit that one at all !!. FFT#9 Is now pushing some very nice trichromes out throughout her many mains. The bud structures are solid on her and she jas somewhere nice long colas stacks that are fattening up daily now. She is in her budswell stage now and has a beautiful fruity smell oozing from her. She is starting tonget some nice pinky colour appearing deep in the bud too which makes them look very nice FFT#10 Looks like she is trying to escape with her main stem off tonthe side looking for the sp250. Her buds are also rock solid with a really candy sweet smell She is nice and dark again since I have been adding the megacrop and shogun products and her stack girth indicates she will be a nice yield come harvest. Another 2 winner strains from this range nice work Fastbuds. Now we need to know who they are. lol
Welcome to my Super Silver Haze diary. Genetics: Zamnesia seeds Looks great, grows fast, nice big leaves alteady on day 15 Going to put it on 12/12 in a couple of days, when she grows past 20 cm
Welcome to week 25 of my bubba slush diary Genetics by Greenhouse seed co. Welcome to my 2nd diary within diary. The first diary is already harvested. The second one has been in veg for about 20 weeks, while it was in veg, i trained it with lst and hst, now we are a in flowering for a couple of weeks. Third diary will come within this diary too, i took a monstercrop clone, it's revegging now, curious of the outcome, since this strain already has tight internodes on the branches. Buds still packing, strong smell...
Another wonderful problem free week for my Black Jack Auto! Some lower leaves have faded and dried out. And now some of the top leaves are starting to fade a bit. No crazy colors yet, but I'm keeping the tent a bit cooler and crossing my fingers. No nutrients this week. Runoff ppm is around 1100 so I think she should be fine until finishing. She got crazy frosty this week. Her lemon smell has gotten much more complex. At the forefront now it smells like Fruity Pebbles (artificially fruit flavored puffed rice cereal) Lemon-lime and brand new leather shoes 🤷‍♂️ I am addicted to sniffing this plant. The nugs are swelling well now and I anticipate harvesting in week 11 or 12. Thanks for following along.
Day 71 - Fresh tank...all new nutes. Started PK Warrior today so they'll be on that for the next 4 weeks as I start to drop the bloom nutes gradually. Noticed on my time lapse on the Saturday night (Their day), they had quite a heavy much as I've been very critical of EC/pH numbers and the likes, I missed out on light height and it was getting a bit close and starting to heat stress them a bit...raised it on the Sunday and the last 18secs of the time lapse shows them bounce back great. Have raised it even further today to get it approx 14"-15" from the tallest cola, 16"-17" average from the rest. Noticing as well a lot more bottom leaves dropping off...hoping this is from light deprivation...have some proper, shriveled up dry ones in there too but some still green just coming away with a slightest touch - its near lollipopping themselves so all I am doing is removing whats hanging loose and trying to leave as much on there to allow the plants to absorb what it can before it discards them. As the canopy looking so strong, and flowers do seem to be getting bigger from the time-lapse, I'm not going to worry (just yet).
Привет всем 👋😋 ! Ребята предлагаю всем желающим подписаться на мои социальные сети где я делаю еще больше контента о каннабисе. Подписывайтесь пожалуйста буду рад всем 😜 !!! 👽 Instagram - 👻 YouTube - ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ На этом все... куст срезан черничные наги сохнут 😎
Really just a video from this week but I think I was a week or 2 behind anyways lol just so y’all can see some real color of my girls. Still haven’t named em but I’ll be doing that in the next week I’m switching em to 12 gradually within the next week to experiment with some stretching during the transition compared to a straight 12 switch