The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Any one know why my leafs are facing downwards
Checkout my Instagram @smallbudz to see the Small budget grow setup for indoor use, low watt, low heat, low noise, step by step. 17/11/2019 - Pot feels light and the is bottom dry to the touch time to water, gave her 1,5l of water PH 6.2 with 0.5ml Grow, 1ml, Bloom and 0.5ml Max Biobizz reduced the dosage from last time, watered util some runoff appeared. 18/11/2019 - Mixed another batch of Alg-a-Mic 2ml per liter to spray on lights off PH 6.2
she growth like a crazy girl, bud dry in a dark room for about 10 days and extractor ON, after cured in jar day by day Organic ferts are fantastic, it allow you to do some errors and don't leave bad flavour on plants
So Ugly Genetics, little plant that go in flowering at two weeks. 1/3 Seeds come out, GrowShop near home so bad quality articles. Microscopic root develop... do not use "eazy plug" as a seed's first pot... don't trasplant autoflowering strain. From 60 grams wet, 12 grams dry ...
Another freezing cold week !! Before having this plant, i thought that a plant would never survive with this temperatures... but this Afghan Kush proved im wrong, whats amazing because this plants strenght is remarkable, the buds i noticed, are not developing as fast as in September/October, basic grower logic but we are having between 8-14 ºC during the day and 2-5ºC at night.. Wider range of colours, i spot like Purple, Deep green, and even shades of Violet and blue, its incredible :D Last feedings, finished like in the middle of this week and the buds developement degree is telling me, its flush time ... Spotted a few white aphids, but only on the leaves, so not a problem.. Having in mind the temperatures they are not lasting so much hahaha its the good thing Last weeks of life, and i suppose she will be yellowing more during the next week. THe photos are progresive, so the first photos were taken at the beginning of the week and so ... Have a Nice Week Guys :D
Another freezing cold week !! Before having this plant, i thought that a plant would never survive with this temperatures... but this Afghan Kush proved im wrong, whats amazing because this plants strenght is remarkable, the buds i noticed, are not developing as fast as in September/October, basic grower logic but we are having between 8-14 ºC during the day and 2-5ºC at night.. Wider range of colours, i spot like Purple, Deep green, and even shades of Violet and blue, its incredible :D Last feedings, finished like in the middle of this week and the buds developement degree is telling me, its flush time ... Spotted a few white aphids, but only on the leaves, so not a problem.. Having in mind the temperatures they are not lasting so much hahaha its the good thing Last weeks of life, and i suppose she will be yellowing more during the next week. THe photos are progresive, so the first photos were taken at the beginning of the week and so ... Have a Nice Week Guys :D
11/1 In the water - bottled 6.0 - under the eye of the vicious Woodstock on the heated seedling mat. 2 Green Crack going into 5 gallons of washed and buffered coco 60% and perlite 40% using cocotek A and B nuets No nuets of course 11/2 On the paper towel, all look cracked on quick inspection 11/3 Cracked no tails ... at all... getting nervous... hate this part 11/4 Still no tails, the two Fastberry have already sprouted and been planted. Nervous again lol 11/5 Still no tails, going to drop two more later though Ive no confidence in them at this point. update: Holding off dropping two more, getting some activity (not breathing easy yet) from the first two. Seems my last ditch effort of a 3% peroxide solution soaking the seeds MAY be working. Wait one more night 11/7 Planted to very very sad germs out of habit more than hope on em. H2O2 works just wasnt much more to be done on em. Dropped two more into the water from the second pack of seeds, maybe it matters. 11/9 Tails on both, planted in coco. Looks like that first set of seeds is ... questionable :) 11/12 Finally some green! One is up nothing from the others yet. At least I have a grow now :D 11/13 One is up fairly strong the other is up but not looking as well may be a problem here just watching and waiting. Calling this Day 1 , will name later if things go well 11/14 New pics, both up looks like I have a grow Ladies of SciFi... Meet Ripley and Tara Going to carefully poke around in those first two pots that didnt sprout. See If I can learn anything. Need to figure out how to prevent that kind of thing. 11/15 New Pic. They growing well now. Found on the two other pots the seeds never did anything after planting which is what I expected to be honest. Afraid that seed pack is a no-go Feeding mix - 2 cups at 5.9 of each, .6ml CocoTek A & B, Fish Sh!T to runoff until transplant 11/16 New Pic and Vid The GC is playing a game of catch-up with the Fastberry Feeding every day now will go to twice daily when large enough. 11/19 Day 6 Really liking the coco coir. two feedings a day at 5ml cocotek A&B and 4 ml Fish Sh!t / gal at 6.0 Meter got in - TDS of the above feed is 575 with tap water being 210 giving a nuet level of 365 well within seedling and early veg limits, so plenty of room down the road. Will be working it up as I feel right 11/20 End of week 1 ... heh finally :) Put a lot of thought and study into this and adjusted the feeding. This in response to some slight lightening at the leaf tips suggesting nuets too high. Water TDS 220 ( gonna have to get a filter soon) so subtracting that I have the solution at 230 ppm (@2.5ml/gal cocotek AB with 2ml Fishsh!t which has little impact on TDS ) PH to 6.1. 450 ppm without adjustment which was my real target here. Fertigating twice daily to 5% runoff, transplanting when roots start poking out. Gentlest way I can think of to try and catch these babies up a little.
I will probably veg these an extra week or two before flipping them. Was going to make this the final week but I don’t think they’re quite there yet.
11/15 Week 2 and very happy For now feedings remain : In two cups PH 5.9 - .6ml each of CocoTek A&B and Fish Sh!t (for the metabolics) to generous runoff. No reason to change until transplant when I add the root juice Feeding daily may increase to twice daily when the EC meter gets in Monday as I have found some insight on coco from this: Free Kindle book if you have Kindle Unlimited. 11/16 New Pic and Vid 11/18 Moved to veg tent and transplanted into 1 gal intermediate fabric pots. Looking good Almost forgot - Fed cocotek and kangaroots when transplanted at 5ml/gal and 10ml/gal respectively. Going to start increasing the concentration of the cocotek upwards and keeping an eye out for def 11/19 Feedings will be twice a day in these pots 5ml Cocotek A&B (well 10 total) 4ml Fish Sh!t (seem to like the stuff) / gal at 6.0 ish not going to get anal about it just careful Possibly add 3ml of CalMag should I see a wisp of reason to do so. Like what I am seeing so far Getting more Fastberry those were my last two seeds. Meter got in - TDS of the above feed is 575 with tap water being 210 giving a nuet level of 365 well within seedling and early veg limits, so plenty of room down the road. Will be working it up as I feel right but I am getting a water filter, not RO perhaps but it needs to come down. Heh wont be needing Si that's for sure
Bonjour à tous les padawans et maîtres jedis Tout d'abord merci à greenhouse de me permettre de faire cette culture en m'offrant le feeding greenhouse et des graines Je rappelle que cultive simultanément 9 pots de 10 et 11 litres dans une box prévu pour 4 et que je n'utilise que le strict minimum du matériel nécessaire à une culture correcte au prix le plus bas possible MATÉRIEL CONFIGURATION Box 80×80×160 Lampe led Lampwin 300 watts ×2 Ventilateur à pince 15 watts Xiaomi Deerma humidificateurs 5L Hygrometre thermomètre Extracteur PROFAN 107 m3/h - 100 Prise programmable électronique ×2 1 pot carré noir 10 litres Green house feeding enhancer Green house feeding biobloom Green house feeding biogrow Substrat biobizz ligthmix Fil de fer et pince coupante Microscope Petite balance de précision CULTURE ÉTAPE PAR ÉTAPE J'ai tout dabord fais germé ma graine avec le easy start de Royal queen seed et je suis agréablement surpris car franchement le taux de réussite est très élevé (17 graines sur 19) simple d'utilisation et très efficace. Une fois la plantule sortie et d'une hauteur de 2 ou 3 centimètres je la prend délicatement et la place directement dans son pot définitif. Je préconise des pots allant entre 10 litres et 15 litres pour des autofloraisons cultivées en intérieur. Le pot aura été préalablement préparé (video dans diarie) avec 30 grammes d'engrais greenhouse feeding biobloom et 30 grammes de greenhouse feeding biogrow, soit l'équivalent de 3 grammes par litre de substrat. Je dépose donc la plantule dans son pot définitif je recouvre un peu de avec de la terre je tasse légèrement et j'arrose pour garder le substrat humide pas plus Je place ma lampe led 300watts à environ 90 centimètres de la plantule avec un cycle de lumière de 24/24 pendant une semaine. Au début de la semaine 2 le cycle de lumière passera en 20/4 grace a un programmateur car c'est pour moi le cycle de lumière qui offre le meilleur rendement pour une autofloraison. Jour1: léger arrosage Jour2: léger arrosage Jour3: la plantule commence à être plus vigoureuse mise en place de la ventilation pour augmenter sa masse racinaire et léger arrosage Jour4: arrosage avec un litre et demi d'eau ph6.3 à laquelle j'ai ajouté 0.9 gramme de greenhouse feeding enhancer (soit 0.6 gramme par litre d'eau) Jour5: aucune technique spéciale Jour6: aucune technique spéciale Semaine agréablement calme sans problème ni carence apparente Que la force soit avec vous !
Great week! She quit growing finally and now she is fatting those buds. Going to get a huge yeild. Stay tuned. I'm posting a video of the rest of my babies so you guys and gals can see. All in closet. Bonus news - ILGM and Growers Choice Seeds are 110% the best. Every seed I have germinated blossomed from these 2 sellers. Great plants as you can see.
11/16: A few of them are in a bigger hurry than the others, and that's just fine by me....very tired of buying weed to smoke.. I fed them again today with about 1/2 gallon each and put a couple of 24w 3000k bar lights under the canopy to increase light to the lower branches. I also took some photos and a video. 11/17: A few of them are protesting about their proximity to the lights, so I raised them as high as possible, which was only another 4 inches. Hopefully that's enough! 11/18: I checked their moisture levels and rotated the edge plants. 11/19: I watered them today with about 1/2 gallon including bembe, signal, cal-mag, myco, and started them on cha ching. At least one of them will get flushed for the first time at their next feeding. Already fading... 11/20: I rotated some edge plants and started decreasing humidity in the closet. I set the AC Infinity to come on whenever it gets up to 45% RH., plus the new dehumidifier I ordered will be here tomorrow. 11/21: I fed them today with about a half-gallon each. I started cutting back on everything except cal-mag, bembe, signal, and cha ching.
Hi guys well had a problem with these from above week 4 of veg m,had a spider mite infection and as I’ve never had one before I was mis diagnosing the problem.then my plants basically wer drooping so bad they wer dying so I took a closer look and spotted the little buggers draining my baby’ I lost one out of 3 and saved 2.i introduced 6lady birds striped all th leaves off them then sprayed them with canna cure every other day for 2 weeks and they look all good now but it definitely held these plants back about 3 weeks of growth I just hope my final yield is not affected but they look and smell good up to now,I learn something new every grow so it won’t happen normally very clean but the infection came from me drying a plant in my tent that I grew outdoors in the summer will not ever bring anything in to my tent again like I say lessons learned.these are now at day 31 of flower
Day 43 - Starting week 7 and damn this girl is taking off. She’s starting to bud up nicely and doesn’t seem to have any issues from the feeding of bloom nutes yesterday. The pot is already starting to get light so will be giving her some pH’d water and cal-mag in the next day or two. Day 44 - Nothing much new today but she’s definitely starting her stretch. She’s stretching close to an inch every 24 hours and hoping she doesn’t get too crazy. Will be giving her some fresh water tomorrow. Debating on doing some defoliation, she’s pretty damn bushy right now so might just do a couple fan leaves here and there till I get her thinned out. Day 46 - The girl was pretty dry today and gave her a full gallon of pH’d water (6.4) and some cal-mag. Bud sites are definitely starting to fill in quite and bit and she’s looking great but I did remove a few leaves today to try and make her a little less bushy and will continue to remove a few every few days until she’s nice and open. Day 48 - Almost the end of week 7 and she’s filling in nicely. Will be giving her another feeding of nutes tomorrow and removed a couple more fan leaves tonight.
Not much to report. Just chugging along. Been on 12/12 for a week. Waiting for them to start popping pistils. Nutrients per gallon .5 tsp maxigro .25 tsp maxibloom .25 tsp armor si .5 tsp calimagic .1 tsp 90/10 humic/fulvic acid Ph to 6.0 Pumping nutrients 24 hours
Not much to report. Just chugging along. Been on 12/12 for a week but I consider it veg until I see pistils on the tops. Waiting for them to start popping pistils. Nutrients per gallon .5 tsp maxigro .25 tsp maxibloom .25 tsp armor si .5 tsp calimagic .1 tsp 90/10 humic/fulvic acid Ph to 6.0 Pumping nutrients 24 hours