day 14 added 1/2tbsp magnesium sulfate in 5gal water along with regular flower water amendments. 1gal of water per day average, bridal and thunder can take more water. Ph 6.8 today
day 15 I will defoliate in a few days :) day 15 video, you see some stem action
day 16 video
day 17 I added (4x20w daisy-chained)80w of poop purple ancient leds Keep adding soluble PK, organic booster etc. I see the stacks relax on defoliation for a few days, maybe tomorrow morning (skip day21) I feel like I will be able to chop week 6-7 as my last grow, push hard fast-continue everything is great, soon bridal and thunder will require 1gal water per day. I would like to see even more mass. I'm extremely happy, starting to see frost
day18. BIG UPDATE many short vids of final defoliation(ahead of "day 21"). Wild amendments appeared! Any recommendations for a lawnmower? Bridalparty stretched over an inch overnight, led touch diode burn on 1 spot. Raised lights slightly, Added new amendments into water. Bridal wants to drink more than 1gal per day, So I will be using almost 5gal-ish water per day not denying the plant needs-watering. I am very happy! defoliation took about 4h today.