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Week 4 Veg🌱 Some very selective defoliation this week only removing as little as possible to get as much light to the lower developing bud sites as possible. All 3 females are showing signs that they are starting to transition into the the flowering phase which is pretty cool. It’s been challenging keeping up with the feed requirements when feeding in just coco but all 3 plants seem to be healthy. Continuing to tie down the main stem to help open up the canopy. Hopefully the next week shows some good growth again as they start the stretch phase. Peace ✌️ 🕊️🌱
Everything seems well. I made a mistake and the yellow leafs are my fault during foliage spray for bugs. Seen others growing and had alot of insights on this strain. I had the same problem and wanted to stay short. But the fat leaves I can see the cultivars coming out. Thanks for looking!
Hi guys So end of week 7 entering week 8. Blue cheese stinks buds are solid the dark phoenix scrog is frosty asf!!! They still have a way to go yet tho. I reckon by day 70 all will be well and done There under a 600watt hps light now to finish them off as using the led lights in my pot noodle grow off with wifey. I just started a YouTube channel I will be doing daily videos on my current run, like subscribe and comment on there for shout outs. Happy growing guys! 😁
Bienvenidos cultivadores de marihuana clandestinos y también a los que tienen la fortuna de no serlo!🖐️👨‍🌾👍 Este es un diario donde semanalmente explico algunas de mis técnicas de cultivo y preparados orgánicos, los cuales llevo experimentando dos años en cultivos de marihuana interior. Esta semana: HIDROLIZADO POTÁSICO DE LEONARDITA CON FÓSFORO (Humato PK). Este producto lo vengo usando en mis cultivos desde el comienzo, hasta el final de la floración y es una de mis fórmulas indispensables para el engorde de los cogollos. La leonardita es un mineraloide derivado del lignito y compuesto en su mayor parte por materia orgánica que se encuentra en el proceso de convertirse en carbón, no es soluble en agua. La leonardita es la mayor fuente existente de Ácidos Húmicos e Himatomelánicos, mejora la estructura del suelo haciéndolo más esponjoso, estimula el suministro de oxígeno a los microorganismos, incrementa el crecimiento, la división celular y la retención de agua y nutrientes, al tiempo, la fórmula aporta también fósforo y potasio solubilizados, con lo que consigo un fertilizante altamente soluble PK, con ácido húmico y materia orgánica líquida. Para hacer soluble la leonardita uso un tipo de hidrólisis alcalina con Hidroxido de Potasio, en esta ocasión he añadido Roca Fosfórica (P) como fuente de fósforo inorgánico y lo he enriquecido un poco con Azomite (Si, Mg, K, Fe... + trazas de 70 minerales). Como fuente de fósforo también he utilizado fosfitos orgánicos extraídos de la calcinación de huesos con cascarilla de arroz o cenizas de madera, pero en realidad la fórmula original sólo incluye la leonardita y el hidróxido de potasio (Humato K). El proceso es simple: - MATERIAL PARA 1 LITRO DE SOLUCIÓN: Agua pura 1000ml. (Yo en este preparado he usado agua de manantial alcalino (PH: 9.2 EC: 0.85), esta agua está muy mineralizada (Ca. Si, Fe, Mg, Mn...) quiere decir que tiene hidrolizados esos minerales los cuales se añaden naturalmente al producto.) Leonardita: 100g (10%) Hidróxido de potasio: 30g (3%). - MINERALES EXTRA 1%: Roca fosfórica: 7g, Azomite: 3g PROCEDIMIENTO: 1) Moler la leonardita y mezclar con la roca fosfórica y el azomite. 2) Añadir el Hidróxido de potasio disuelto en 500ml de agua. 3) Esperar una hora y agitar de vez en cuando. 4) Añadir el resto del agua (500ml). 5) Mantener en el recipiente sin cierre hermético, para dejar paso al oxígeno, durante al menos tres días. 6) Remover o agitar al menos 2 veces al día, durante estos 3 primeros días. (Cuanto más o mejor se agite el resultado de la hidrolisis será mejor.) 7) A partir de los 3 días ya se puede usar... pero yo prefiero esperar una semana al menos. 8) El producto se puede almacenar a la sombra durante años, el paso del tiempo hace que la hidrólisis de los componentes sea mejor. COSTO APROX. DEL PREPARADO: 3€. MEZCLAS PARA RIEGO EN MACETAS: HASTA EL 2%., EN EXTERIOR HASTA EL 3%. ========================== USOS: - Deshidratado, lo uso como aporte a las mezclas de sustratos o como enmienda seca. - Al ser un producto alcalino, en las mezclas para riego, lo uso siempre en conjunto con alguno de mis Bio fermentados con Microorganismos de Montaña Activados (MMA) que tienen un PH muy bajo, de esta manera regulo el PH final de la mezcla, además, pongo en contacto directo los microorganismos y la materia orgánica líquida del Humato, al que también añado melaza para dar energía a la microbiología, en definitiva es una simbiosis perfecta para el suelo: Materia orgánica solubilizada, alimento de fácil proceso para la Microbiología y ácidos húmicos, que completan la magia que se produce en el sustrato... los cogollos crecen y engordan sin freno!! Hasta la próxima semana... SALUDOS CULTIVADORES!!🖐️👨‍🌾💧💦🌞💡 =================================
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Flowering day 59 since time change to 12/12 h. Hey guys :-) The lady is slowly coming to an end 😍. The buds start to swell extremely . The trichomes mature day by day. This week she was given a very light flush with Clean Fruits so that she can use up her remaining nutrients in the coming days 👍. It will be harvested in the next 6-10 days 😍. I can't wait to try them all :-) . Otherwise everything was cleaned and checked. Have fun and stay healthy 💚🙏🏻 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 You can buy this Nutrients at : With the discount code: Made_in_Germany you get a discount of 15% on all products from an order value of 100 euros. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 You can buy this strain at : Clearwater Seeds Water 💧 💧💧 Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.8 - 6.5 MadeInGermany
Flowering day 59 since time change to 12/12 h. Hey guys :-) The lady is slowly coming to an end 😍. The buds start to swell extremely . The trichomes mature day by day. This week she was given a very light flush with Clean Fruits so that she can use up her remaining nutrients in the coming days 👍. It will be harvested in the next 6-10 days 😍. I can't wait to try them all :-) . Otherwise everything was cleaned and checked. Have fun and stay healthy 💚🙏🏻 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 You can buy this Nutrients at : With the discount code: Made_in_Germany you get a discount of 15% on all products from an order value of 100 euros. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 You can buy this strain at : Water 💧 💧💧 Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.8 - 6.5 MadeInGermany
Thank you Heather, you rock as always. Stoked to get these soaked:) Im impressed with FastBuds stability, terpene profiles and mass. These are great plants, happy and thankful to grow em out
Welcome to Garden of Green Cup 🏆 Flowering day 59 since time change to 12/12 h. Hey guys :-) The lady is slowly coming to an end 😍. The buds start to swell extremely . The trichomes mature day by day. This week she was given a very light flush with Clean Fruits so that she can use up her remaining nutrients in the coming days 👍. It will be harvested in the next 6-10 days 😍. I can't wait to try them all :-) . Otherwise everything was cleaned and checked. Have fun and stay healthy 💚🙏🏻 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 You can buy this Nutrients at : With the discount code: Made_in_Germany you get a discount of 15% on all products from an order value of 100 euros. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 You can buy this strain at : Water 💧 💧💧 Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.8 - 6.5 MadeInGermany
Flowering day 59 since time change to 12/12 h. Hey guys :-) The lady is slowly coming to an end 😍. The buds start to swell extremely . The trichomes mature day by day. This week she was given a very light flush with Clean Fruits so that she can use up her remaining nutrients in the coming days 👍. It will be harvested in the next 6-10 days 😍. I can't wait to try them all :-) . Otherwise everything was cleaned and checked. Have fun and stay healthy 💚🙏🏻 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 You can buy this Nutrients at : With the discount code: Made_in_Germany you get a discount of 15% on all products from an order value of 100 euros. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 You can buy this strain at : Water 💧 💧💧 Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.8 - 6.5 MadeInGermany
13/03 Recta final, tuve unos problemas con Moho ya que la humedad nocturna roza los 88% humedad con lo cual la proliferación del hongo en un cogollo tan gordo y compacto, es un problema, y al ver los tricomas, y darme cuenta que casi un 10% de los tricomas están de color ámbar, que es el punto de cosecha que me gusta. Mañana cosecharé una de las plantas mas lindas que me ha tocado cultivar, lleno de aprendizajes. PD: FENOTIPO VERDE EMPEZÓ A FLORAR 1 MES ANTES QUE EL RESTO DE MIS PLANTAS Y SE COSECHARÁ UN MES ANTES QUE OTRA FRISIAN DEW FENOTIPO VIOLETA( ) PD2: FENOTIPO VERDE AROMA SKUNK CLASICO , COGOLLOS COMPACTOS RESINOSOS!💪
Red Hot Cookies has responded beautifully to the flip to flower, tge leaves are praying and the growth has exploded
Happy with my first grow! Was relatively easy for my first time, had no issues other than buds not getting as fat as I wanted but still came away with 35g from 1 plant in a 2x2x3 tent with 1 small 100 watt grow light so all in all I say it was a success!
03/13/2022 Love the colors on Grape Skunk #1 others are not as purple, again i forgot Biscotti Skunk and lemon og. 03/14/2022 Uploading Biscotti Skunk pic's I'm really loving 3 particular girls this run,all plants are exposed to PW intentionally I need girls that can take PW with no issues and three plants are spotless. The first is the only Biscotti Skunk that was female of 5 cloning for outside run but will do great in basement without PW issues. The second is lemon og spotless, and the third is the grape skunk thats got most color the second tallest of the grape skunks, cloning for testing in New England zone 7 should get at least one if not all 3 to finish before cold sets in.
This is the last one I’ve got of the 2 that germinated. Beautiful colors. #1 went down like week 9.8, technically this is week 10.8. First one yielded 2 ounces dry. I hope this surpasses the first one. Beautiful plant this one is . It’s counterpart had not the prettiest looking buds unfortunately.