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The banana mango must be on roids! It’s doubled the size Of the others. If you are looking for a desert plant that handles 100plus F without being bothered - this could be your gal!
Week 11 All is under control: plants are growing correctly, healthy, deep green… perfect size, a few weeks before flowering cycle; I did a second topping week 10 on everyone (+6 nodes): I would have a maximum size around 150 cm for discretion and space. Still Aphids problem on the Royal Moby and I treated leaves by hand with Soap…making a mistake: too late in the morning so the sun burned some leaves. This insects are still there but the infestation is contained for the moment. I sprayed Neem oil on all plants. Added more soil in each pot : 1.5/2L of humus worm + guano bat. I observed a sort of burn on lhe extremity of leaves: possibly a sign of nitrogen excess. I stopped nutrients for a while, adding just enzyme and Alga Mic. Watering around 1.25L/2 days Daylight 15h30 - 6h25/21h55 Sunny days, cloudy sometimes, windy (NNE) T°= 13ºC N / 21°C D Humidity 67%
Week 11 All is under control: plants are growing correctly, healthy, deep green… perfect size, a few weeks before flowering cycle; I did a second topping week 10 on everyone (+6 nodes): I would have a maximum size around 150 cm for discretion and space. Still Aphids problem on the Royal Moby and I treated leaves by hand with Soap…making a mistake: too late in the morning so the sun burned some leaves. This insects are still there but the infestation is contained for the moment. I sprayed Neem oil on all plants. Added more soil in each pot : 1.5/2L of humus worm + guano bat. I observed a sort of burn on lhe extremity of leaves: possibly a sign of nitrogen excess. I stopped nutrients for a while, adding just enzyme and Alga Mic. Watering around 1.25L/2 days Daylight 15h30 - 6h25/21h55 Sunny days, cloudy sometimes, windy (NNE) T°= 13ºC N / 21°C D Humidity 67%
Week 11 All is under control: plants are growing correctly, healthy, deep green… perfect size, a few weeks before flowering cycle; I did a second topping week 10 on everyone (+6 nodes): I would have a maximum size around 150 cm for discretion and space. Still Aphids problem on the Royal Moby and I treated leaves by hand with Soap…making a mistake: too late in the morning so the sun burned some leaves. This insects are still there but the infestation is contained for the moment. I sprayed Neem oil on all plants. Added more soil in each pot : 1.5/2L of humus worm + guano bat. I observed a sort of burn on lhe extremity of leaves: possibly a sign of nitrogen excess. I stopped nutrients for a while, adding just enzyme and Alga Mic. Watering around 1.25L/2 days Daylight 15h30 - 6h25/21h55 Sunny days, cloudy sometimes, windy (NNE) T°= 13ºC N / 21°C D Humidity 67%
Week 11 All is under control: plants are growing correctly, healthy, deep green… perfect size, a few weeks before flowering cycle; I did a second topping week 10 on everyone (+6 nodes): I would have a maximum size around 150 cm for discretion and space. Still Aphids problem on the Royal Moby and I treated leaves by hand with Soap…making a mistake: too late in the morning so the sun burned some leaves. This insects are still there but the infestation is contained for the moment. I sprayed Neem oil on all plants. Added more soil in each pot : 1.5/2L of humus worm + guano bat. I observed a sort of burn on lhe extremity of leaves: possibly a sign of nitrogen excess. I stopped nutrients for a while, adding just enzyme and Alga Mic. Watering around 1.25L/2 days Daylight 15h30 - 6h25/21h55 Sunny days, cloudy sometimes, windy (NNE) T°= 13ºC N / 21°C D Humidity 67%
Buen aumento en el volumen de las flores. Una planta no está tomando agua, revisé y no es botritis, la regaré con agua solamente cuando esté seca . La planta con manchas en la hojas sigue igual , ya ella no se recuperará, no tiene tiempo. Semana con nutriente de floración al 100% y potenciadores. Se cambió de lámpara por otra del doble de potencia 2000W. BESTVA - Luz: Bestva Pro 2000W / 18 h/d -FloraNova Bloom G.Hydroponics: 0.7ml/l - Bio Bud G. Hydroponics 2.5ml/l - Armour SI G. Hydroponics 0.4ml/l - C4 Mills 1ml/l - Everest: 0.5 ml/l Control biológico: -Solution (bioinsecticida generalista: Beauveria, Metarhizium, Lecanicillium y Cladosporium + esencia de ajo y chile). -Acaridox (bioacaricida: Metarhizium e Hirsutella + esencia de canela) - Scamin (control escama y cochinilla) Cladosporium Herbarum -Bioprotection BD Plus (microorganismos bioestimulantes y bioprotectores: Trichoderma + actinomicetos + Lactobacillus) - Bioprotection TR + BSLIN (biofungicida generalista: Bacillus subtilis + Trichoderma y metabolitos).
Never have I ever seen this happen! I topped it, and there is 4 different tops! I've got no clue what happened but I ain't mad! 😅
July 13: first heat wave of the year was last week, and there is another forecast for next week, but for now this is pretty ideal cannabis weather. Added a third Scrog layer and tied it off to some weights (partly filled water bottles) to open up the canopy further. Works, simple, and easy to move around the yard as needed. I really like this plant and how it’s going so far. July 14: re-scrogged again to widen the canopy further. Supercropped the ends to maintain the same elevation at the various growth tips. Four stems in middle were topped to keep them from getting ahead of the others. Experimenting to see how it goes. July 16: hot again. Increased water volume and sometimes misting air with garden hose water for the evaporative cooling. She looks great. July 17: another 32 C day. Watered four times today so likely 7-8 L in the heat with the growing plant. July 18: hot again. Mixed Power Bloom and malted Barley with some soil and added as a top dressing.Hit 34 C and 20% relative humidity which is far too hot and dry for cannabis. Lots of watering, and misting of leaves and air to provide some moisture and cooler temperatures.
July 13: perfect cannabis weather after last week’s heat wave. Another heat wave next week, but for now it’s perfect. Added a third scrog layer and tied it off to some water bottles. This type of scrogging works, is easy, cheap, and it’s easy to still move the plant around the yard as needed. July 14: re-did the scrog net using a larger piece with more squares. Supercropped some ends to keep the growth tips at the same elevation. We’ll see how many colas I can make of this. July 16: looks happy enough but I need to up the water volume in this heat. July 18: really hot the last few days (33 C) so lots of watering and misting to keep them a bit cooler. Look really green and robust. 👍👍 Also wetting outside of grow bags to get some evaporative cooling for the soil. Added malted barley and Power Bloom to some soil and added it as a soil layer. Added plain soil on the top to deter birds from stealing the barley kernels. A bit less than 1 tbsp of Power Bloom per 1 gallon of soil with a bit more than 1 tbsp of malted barley per gallon of soil. #seedsman420growoff #seedsmanseeds
7/10/24 testing testing. can i post updates now? beautiful buds. the leaves are changing into a blue color. it reminds me of some of the blue city diesel i got from a buddy back in the medical days.
Habe jetzt dann doch auf den Calcium/Magnesium Mangel reagiert und Biobizz Calmag zum Düngemix hinzugefügt. Nach 2 Tagen war bereits eine deutliche Veränderung der Pflanzenoberflöche festzustellen. Muss man mal beobachten wie sich das bei der geringen Dosis verändert. Man kann wunderbar erkennen wie die Pflanze jetzt anfängt zu blühen. Es werden nun von Tag zu Tag mehr weiße Härchen und die Pflanze macht einen ordentlichen Schuss. *edit* Vielleicht kann mir jemand erklären, warum mein Video, dass in 4K aufgenommen wurde hier gefühlt nur in 360p angezeigt wird? LG Pascal
Northern light day 28 of seeing the world 🤘👊🙏 She got topped a couple of days ago and her lower shoots removed. She got some sunny days but now lots of rain on the way. Transplant after major rain. It’s gazebo time
2024-07-13 Indoor The Indoor Lady is fading, chrystals are building and well i think the longest Time for her is over and we are slowly coming to an end. OUTDOOR Despite the bad outdoor conditions, the Tangerine Snow stands brave and strong i was feeding her today, and i think i have seen some Preflowers? this week i made Videos from Both, In and- Outdoor Plants BREEDER INFO Tangerine Snow F1 Fast Feminised is a 75% sativa, four-way cross of (Boost x Tangelo) with (Lavender x Power Plant). This Fast F1 hybrid is bred from Cali genetics and boasts great citrus terps, high resin production for extracts, high levels of THC, very good yields and excellent mould resistance. Tangerine Snow F1 Fast can be grown indoors as well as outdoors. Indoor flowering times are between 8 - 10 weeks while harvest time in northern latitudes is during September while in the southern hemisphere growers will be harvesting during March. Recommended climate regions are hot, dry, humid and warm. These are tall, semi-branched plants that grow in excess of 200cm and display a high degree of vigour with very good uniformity. In common with many other heavily sativa-dominant strains, Tangerine Snow F1 Fast offers excellent resistance to mould as well as to plant pests and diseases. The combination of citrus terps and plenty of resin makes thi a very good extract strain with the 'washing' method delivering very good yields of hash. The citrus terpene profile is reminiscent of mandarins and tangerines and also has sweet candy notes. THC production has been lab-verified at a strong 24% while CBD is low. The effect is uplifting and energising, perfect for use during the day and early evening.