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She has a sweet kinda fruity flowery smell at the moment. She is in the middle of bulking. I got the nute burn fro. Weeks ago is under control. She is Snelling and looking like she is gonna produce a good yield. Thank you ILGM, and Medic Grow. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Do-Si-dos auto has started to get a spicy fruity smell. She is in the middle of bulking. Everything has been looking really good. Thank you Zamnesia seeds, Medic Grow, and Athena. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Northern lights is bouncing back from the salt build up. I have changed her to 12/12 today. I will likely have to hst her in the future. 🤞🏻everything keeps going good from here out. Thank you Spider Farmer, Pro-mix, and Divine Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
The double kush cake has gone through stress with a little bit of bleached leaves and red veins heat spots on the leaves all due to heat stress which has caused her to stunt So I have relocated her to her original spot as it is cooler. She is still growing under the light distance of 60cm. The double kush cake is receiving 100ml of fluids every three days she stands approximately 52cm from the soil.
9/22 topped them at 4th node. some of them are looking better for mainlining that others. some of them i may not mainline and others i left an extra node in case i want to keep clones around. #1 is looking happy with the topping and looks really good. #2 is the only one thats been praying and is the tallest and strongest looking all around. #5 short and such tight internodal spacing that it makes it hard to see whats all there. just looks like a bunch of small leaves until they grow out. i may not mainline this one either be cause of it being so tightly packed it may make it 9/27/24 day 20 theyre growing quite well. #1 i ended up taking the bottom nodes. i was originally goi g to use them as clones later on but decided to just let her go with her 4 nodes. #5 is so tightly packed, she has like 8 mains all in such a small space, its hard to even make sense of it all.
9/22 topped them at 4th node. some of them are looking better for mainlining that others. some of them i may not mainline and others i left an extra node in case i want to keep clones around. #1 is looking happy with the topping and looks really good. #2 is the only one thats been praying and is the tallest and strongest looking all around. #5 short and such tight internodal spacing that it makes it hard to see whats all there. just looks like a bunch of small leaves until they grow out. i may not mainline this one either be cause of it being so tightly packed it may make it 9/27/24 day 20 theyre growing quite well. #1 i ended up taking the bottom nodes. i was originally goi g to use them as clones later on but decided to just let her go with her 4 nodes. #5 is so tightly packed, she has like 8 mains all in such a small space, its hard to even make sense of it all.
9/22 topped them at 4th node. some of them are looking better for mainlining that others. some of them i may not mainline and others i left an extra node in case i want to keep clones around. #1 is looking happy with the topping and looks really good. #2 is the only one thats been praying and is the tallest and strongest looking all around. #5 short and such tight internodal spacing that it makes it hard to see whats all there. just looks like a bunch of small leaves until they grow out. i may not mainline this one either be cause of it being so tightly packed it may make it 9/27/24 day 20 theyre growing quite well. #1 i ended up taking the bottom nodes. i was originally goi g to use them as clones later on but decided to just let her go with her 4 nodes. #5 is so tightly packed, she has like 8 mains all in such a small space, its hard to even make sense of it all.
They are growing well. I hope most of them are female, if not I will kill them and put feminized highcloudz with them. One is already there and in another diary. Small spots on two leaves of a fertilized plant, but nothing major or scary. The fertilized plants are much larger than those in living soil without additional fertilization. I might start applying some fertilization to the organic ones. At least when it starts flowering, it looks like it will need it, for now the difference is absurd. On the 19th, two seem to have shown their sex, male, beginning to have balls. Waiting a few days to confirm Day 21 One organical showed the pistils, confirmed female. The other two, iam waiting to really know their sex. Next week going to start flowering fertilizer. 1/5 female confirmed
Green Cure CBD has a earthy, citrus aroma. She is finishing up bulking, and looks about 2 to 3 weeks from done. She has grown really well in a solo cup. Thank you Zamnesia seeds, and Medic Grow. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Day 8, 9-18-24: they're seeming to shoot up rather quickly and that's wonderful! I can't wait Day 10, 9-20-24: They are starting to look like they're supposed to instead of babies! I got them level with each other so the ppfd should be more uniform. It's rained a couple of days this week so the humidity jumped some, but mostly everything is good Day 11, 9-21-24: they are doing amazing. They are starting to spread out nicely! Day 12, 9-22-24: They are really doing well! I had time to set up the camera this morning before work. That's a 4th gen purple star killer clone next to it. Day 13, 9-23-24: they keep getting noticeably bigger! Day 14, 9-24-24: they're growing nicely and starting to branch out. They have also grown pretty thick
Deep Forest Auto is growing great. She is moving more into a bulking stage. Everything has been going really good. Thank you Gen1:11, Medic Grow, and Doctor's Choice. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Día 02. Tuve que empezar la floración. Las raices estaban empezando a salir por el caño de descarga. Además estoy notando que al quedar mucha agua atrapada entre las raíces, la toman más rápido y los 20 litros que puse no sé si van a alcanzar. Ya había tenido este problema hace bastante y me había olvidado. Pero igual no me preocupa tanto. Sé que puedo manejarlo tranquilo. Así que al final, la semana anterior fueron sólo 3 días. Ahora voy a ir planificando bien, dado que la diferencia de altura en una de las Polaris, me va a obligar a ir llevando un LST riguroso. También estoy empezando a pensar en formas para evitar las tapadas de raíces. Creo que algo se me va a ocurrir para implementar en algún momento. Voy a hacer un corte de hojas muy grande cuando haya terminado el estiramiento de pre flora. Porque quiero probar cuanto afecta a una rama el quitarle la hoja principal. Algunas he cortado y otras cuantas no. Apliqué Feeding Enhancer de Greenhouse, en forma foliar la noche que pasé a floración. Voy a hacer una nueva aplicación en una semana seguramente. Tuve que bajar la frecuencia de reigo de 30/30 a 15/45 por hora, porque creo que eso hizo que se hagan tan grandes rápido. Igual es un dato que voy a tomar en cuenta para el futuro. Día 04 Me preocupa la velocidad a la que se toman la solución nutritiva. Les puse 20 litros hace 4 días y quedan solamente 12 litros. A este ritmo voy a tener que empezar a poner mucho más de los esperado. Aunque igual, creo que cuando haga un trim fuerte de hojas, ahí van a empezar a regular más el consumo de agua. Además al haber crecido tanto las raíces, es mayor la cantidad de solución que queda estancada en las raíces y es consumida. Así que eso también será un tema a mejorar. Me gusta que las plantas estén así, pero siento que no las voy a poder controlar.
today was the day 🙏 time was running out and i have to harvest "Hilde" 😏 summary of "Hilde" 92 days in under 3 min. enjoy 😅🙏 I dry the plant in the boiler room because the climate there is very good. I also darkened the room so that no sunlight disturbs the drying process.😏 "Darkroom" Day 2 for "Hilde" 😏😄😜
Aquí termina el cultivo , Pasado un mes secando , el pesaje y el guardado para seguir curando. total 355gr. Olor denso, fuerte . Sabor terroso dulce y algo de cítrico según fenetipo. Seria una mezcla de Skunk y de Critical , como sus parentales. Armarios de 50x50x50 con fluorescentes 150W 4000K para la primera fase de crecimiento 74x74x170 300W led para terminar crecimiento y floracion
Tag 15: 🌱: Anscheinend hat mir die kleine Dame das gestrige Topping nicht zu übel genommen. Ich würde sogar behaupten, sie hat mittlerweile den Schock überwunden und das Wachstum wieder aufgenommen. Außerdem hat sie sich selbst bereits so gedreht, dass der Platz im Topf / in der Box gut ausgenutzt werden kann. 💧: Da die Erde um die Pflanze herum noch etwas feucht ist, wird erst morgen wieder gegossen. 💡: Die Beleuchtung bleibt zunächst unverändert (ca. 45cm Abstand, DLI ~16) 🤔: Die hellen Stellen auf den Fächerblättern machen mir etwas Sorgen. Vielleicht ein Stickstoffmangel? Morgen gibt es vermutlich etwas mehr vom Bio Grow und dann wird die Sache weiter beobachtet. Tag 16: 🌱: Keine besonderen Auffälligkeiten. 💧: Heute war die Erde trocken, daher gab es 1 Liter Nährstofflösung. 💡: DLI wurde auf 18 erhöht. Tag 17: 🌱: Keine besonderen Auffälligkeiten. Die Triebe entwickeln sich gut, ich denke am Wochenende kann ich mit dem LST beginnen. 💧: Erde ist noch nass. 💡: Die Beleuchtung bleibt zunächst unverändert (ca. 45cm Abstand, DLI ~18) 🤔: Die hellen Stellen scheinen sich auch auf den neuen Fächerblättern auszubilden, trotz extra Dosis Bio Grow und AlgaMic...wird weiter aufmerksam beobachtet. Tag 18: 🌱: Heute wurde vorsichtig mit dem LST begonnen und die 2 oberen Haupttriebe wurden etwas nach unten gezwungen. 💧: Erde ist noch nass. 💡: Die Beleuchtung wurde etwas hochgeregelt, auf einen DLI von ca. 20 (ca. 45cm Abstand). 🤔: So langsam machen mir die hellen Stellen immer mehr Sorgen. Die extra Dosis Bio Grow scheint daran nichts verändert zu haben und auch die kleine Dosis AlgAMic scheint nichts zu bewirken. Nach etwas weiterer Nachforschung denke ich, es könnte vielleicht auch ein Magnesiummangel sein. Laut Versorger hat das Leitungswasser: Calcium=89,6mg/l | Magnesium=6,2mg/l. Vermutlich fahre ich morgen mal in den Baumarkt und kaufe Bittersalz... Tag 19: 🌱: LST der 2 oberen Haupttriebe etwas angepasst. 💧: Erde ist noch nass. Trotzdem gab es für die kleine ein wenig Wasser aus der Spühflasche (ph-Wert 6,4) mit etwas Bittersalz (ca. 0,25g/l) 💡: Die Beleuchtung ist unverändert. Tag 20: 🌱: LST der 2 oberen Haupttriebe etwas angepasst und mit dem LST der unteren Triebe begonnen. 💧: Erde ist noch nass. Zusätzlich gab es jedoch ein paar Sprühstöße mit dem Bittersalzwasser. 💡: Die Beleuchtung ist unverändert. Tag 21: 🌱: Heute wurde mal wieder die Schere angesetzt. Zum Opfer fielen ihr die untersten, ersten Blattpaare am Stamm (1- bzw. 3-fingrig), 1-2 nach innen wachsende Blätter die die Triebe verschatteten, sowie die ersten Nebentriebe der unteren 2 Nebenarme. Zusätzlich wurde das LST nachjustiert. Ansonsten sehen die neueren Blätter aus, als würde sie gut auf das Bittersalz im Wasser reagieren. 💧: Erde ist noch feucht. 💡: Die Beleuchtung ist unverändert.