Welcome to the start of week 2 ( 4 days of actual plant life the rest were germ days ) These ladies are kicking it strong 47#1 is already working on her second set and her sister is far behind working on hers as well ! So far so good for these test strains Im excited to see these ladies in full swing veg mode !!
Thanks for everyones support who come in daily and weekly to check out the diaries ! Keep on keeping on friends !!
Day#8 Watered half cup each full line up , 233ppm / distilled water .
Day#9 Responding well to watering , 47#1 working on her second set coming in really well same with #2 .
Day#10 Wont let me upload the pictures but shes growing at the rate of my GG#4 things are going well
Day#11 They are growing really well , going to up the dose of Voodoo and B52 next week !
Day#12 Just growing along nicely , Going to be adding some Piranha to next feeding.
Day#13 They're just cruising along , I have my suspicion that there might be some GG#4 in here haha
Day#14 Watered 1 cup each no cal mag this time added piranha 135 PPM/Distilled water .
Week review : Things are going well they're growing at a good pace plants are developing second node .
Happy Growing!