I received my Mars Hydro lights and they helped a lot. 2 TS-1000's. I supper cropped some of the 12/12 from seed and it looks like something trampled through the garden. Lol. The rest are really stretching now. I hope I the larger ones don't get rootbound. 🤞😁😁😁
Wow guys relax. One of the best things about this site is the FACT. Each grower grow's in his own way and has his own experiences with what works best for them. THERE IS NO RIGHT WAY to cultivate a cannabis plant as each and every seed has a different genetic make up or lineage, Further to this, What does it matter ? I have 5 years of growing experience with several friends with grow systems many which I dont agree with seem to be effective or some out right dangerous sets ups. I never judge. Everyone does the best with what they have and there is no shame in that what so ever. This site would be much better if everybody understood this. Why do you care if the grower is using HST methods late in flower ? He's not doing it to your plants so why is it worth sitting behind a keyboard trying to demean a person for simply sharing a passion for growing bud and doing what he wants to his own property or plants. I myself dont agree with HST in late flower but sometimes it cannot be avoided when plants stretch too much in the flower stage you haveto bend them unless you want bleached white and burnt bud. With saying that I would no way comment on this grower doing any kind of training to his own plants it does not effect me in anyway and nor does it anyone else. Hey the guy could snap every branch the first week of flower it still is not worth arguing over. Just chill guys smoke a fatty we are stoners after all :) Nice looking plants by the way :)
@TheUk420Show, That is fine. If you just grow your own plants that is no problem at all. Not the case here.
If you go out and talk shit about breeders and growers that is a problem and I will gladly call bullshit out when I see it. That is the least I can do for him being a complete dichead. I am not going to be nice just because he deleted his comments and changed his name. Still bullshit.
@Troy_Farms, I'm not on this site to hate to any company or grower. The only time I comment on grows is to offer support or to offer advice. I would not rip on any breeder because they are all serious about what they do and the last thing a breeder wants is for you to have a bad experience with their genetics. Why would they ? I see that plants herming and ruining peoples crops and horror stories are all down to the growers environment nothing to do with the breeder I have recently delt with hermie troubles myself though I know its my fault rather than the breeder. That being said there's no excuse to talk down to someone at all. weather that be to a company or anything. Most breeders are really nice and genuine and if you do have a bad experience they will replace the seeds and let you try again. They are not monsters but sometimes you need a lil bit of confidence to just ask for a 2nd go. Re evaluate your environment and try again. We all have bad experiences with certain phenos thats just part of the growing game but what you cant do is blame other people for your own mistakes. which sounds like what Nuglife is or has done in the past. Look just burn the bridge and move on if you dont agree with a certain aspect just ignore it and concentrate on your own grows. Trolls come in many forms and unfortunately they infest every aspect of online activity. its just as fact of life unfortunatly. I may add why do you care ? I mean I have friends that grows i really disagree with and know are dangerous and attractive yet I dont critizie cause you know everyone works with what they have. Im in no way bagging on you bro but theres no point in "calling people out" If they want to give a ficticous grow journel then thats upto them really. I think alot of growers do this and nuglife is not alone. Its common place for growers to exxagerate skills yields and flowering times to make them look better as a grower. Though what does it matter if the breeders were using them as advertising it would be a different story but most of the grows on here are hobby grows so at the end of the day what does it matter lol. I hope you guys can just move past all the bs and support each others grows :)
@TheUk420Show, The problem with NugLife420 is that he was under a different name and he was openly talking shit about a legit breeder for things that were unrelated to said breeder. I called him out on being wrong and he proceeded to talk more shit about breeders and then carry on to talk shit about growers and say how he has grown hundreds of plants. Then he deletes all his comments, changes his name, and then plays the innocent card whenever he gets called out. Make no mistake, NugLife420 is a complete asshole. 100%