Oct 2nd
- flushed Congo ((d)Urban Poison and Northern Lights) last night to remove Salts built-up in the soil; 25 gallon min. ea. Guess how pleasant they were to move Back into the House? … down a flight of stairs lol. It may be from the Congo, but I felt like frickin Tarzan afterwards
Oct 3rd,
- plan is to let Congo dry out for another day or two or three. Natural Mystic may be fed tomorrow depending on the Soil moisture (being the first plant flushed)
- when Congo is Fed next, that will probably be the last full-day of Light before Flowerings “Lites-out”
- Natural Mystic looks Fresh
Oct 4th
- top-dressed surface with Kelp Meal, scratched it in
- feeding N.Mystic tonight; very slowly…5.5L (reduced to 5.5L due to excessive run-off last feed; 33% of feed came out the btm)
- reached a milestone with this Congo; next meal is 7L
- steady as she goes
- day 3 since the flush, the moisture meter has dropped large enough on Natural Mystic, it was fed 6L over 70 minutes. Will see if the run-off is less than last week from slow watering: No, the run-off was actually more, with slow-feeding. Volume reduced.
-realized there was no space BETWEEN THE POTS, to allow for any airflow… so I made some gaps in the floor-plan. Not rocket science, just N observation. Its going to help regardless of whether I can see the difference.
- Congo fed 7L, no issues