Oh well, not my (our) week 🙄
During the week the Ladys start to look a overwatered and I had no idea how this could happen ... Well, first I tried to rise temperature slightly and had the fans run more often to dry them out a bit quicker, did not work. Than I took them out of the System ... All together worked, at least it looked so ... for 1 day ... Yesterday I found the real reason. The Humidity Controller was broken ... During the night they had around 90% humidity and during the day only 25-30%, way to high and way to low. Replaced the Controller today, hope next week will start smoother 🙂
Beside of this they made huuugggeeee progress, some nearly doubled in size and are around 5-6 Nodes now, will top them all next week when they recovered a bit 🙂
Also added some Alfaboost to help them a bit.
In the Video the Candy Caramelo are on the left 🙂
Thanks for your time, I hope you enjoyed this entry 🙂
See you next week 💚