Day 51 : Watered with 2.5L each lady. I added as always 1 co2 tab per 4.5L . Also i added nutrients. The next one will be pure water. She is smelling like bubble bug. She will be very tasty and it is obvious from the terpenes she produces, but she will not be heavy yielder.
Edit (Day 56) : Watered 1.5L pure tap water of 7.5ph and 360ppm. No co2 today. Just pure water with 0.5/L Cal-Mag. Buds are fattening nothing else.
@Ferenc, The conditions are not easy for all of us. So we still try to grow , stay safe and have a decent result. Difficult for many experiments , so need more time to reach my goal!
@Papastroumf, Oh well, takes time or opportunity to have big set up with different plants 😅
As the years pass, you will have a chance to work with the most fantastic strains and get the best experience ever ;)