Mine was badged Grow Kit. White interior is very durable and water proof. Poles are durable. Needs cross poles to prevent too much suction so I had to make them and tape them in.
Got just over a QP. Pretty good for an auto flower! Overall about 1/3 midsize buds, 1/3 large, and 1/3 under developed/wispy. However the under developed ones are still very frosty. They don’t smoke as well and so will be useful for edibles, but since they dried faster I was able to smoke them at least while waiting for larger buds. Great smoke for anytime. Totally clear headed in the day time and relieves pain from muscles and nerves. Not distracting at all but a slight head pressure at higher amounts. No eye pressure or other undesirable side effects. The resin sticks to your lips requiring mouth wash after smoking. This is the strongest of the auto flowers I’ve grown. While I probably preferred northern lights for its taste I find this is adequate to give me the same level of medication while having been quicker to grow. I also enjoyed using dry amendment nutrients due to how much easier it made it. If I could do it over I would have added some
Extra nutrients during flower to try and get more growth, but this was my first time with these nutrients so I played it safe. QP is really a good result for this quality as that was actually my goal and I’m over it