End of Week 5
Brewed a nice veg-specific compost tea and the ladies loved it.
Trying to make sure the soil stays nice and moist to keep the microbes happy and letting the top 3 cm of the topsoil dry before each watering.
The ladies have gained some momentum and they're growing at a rapid pace .
I also performed some HST by defoliating a few fan leaves and softly pinching and bending some of the stems to open up the canopy whilst keeping the stress at a minimal.
Pest Report:
Didn't have much issues up until now...
I noticed about 5-10 tiny little thrips on some of the leaves and I applied an organic microbial insecticide (Agro Organics Bio-Insek, Google it!) that seems to have taken care of the problem. Now I will apply it weekly to make sure those buggers are ELIMINATED.
You did a wonderful job bro, prime health, i was wondering if I should keep my humidity lower to avoid pm or other problems but as I can see it doesn’t hurt the trichomes production at all 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Really nice 👍🏼
@Hazeterpz, definitely always a good idea to lower the humidity during flowering I have read that it does increase terpene production and also avoids mildew and other issues like bud-rot etc.
Yup my slurricane is prone to thrips as well.
Looks like your pheno is similar to mine, short and stocky with nice stacking. Took 3 clones the other day cause I don't wanna lose out on this strain, i might take one to make seeds.