End of Week 14 (7th week of flower)
Cruise control still on. Smooth sailing till the end.
Because this is a fully organic grow there is no need for a leaching flush, all I'm doing is giving the ladies PH correct water from now until harvest to naturally deplete the soil from nutrients and flush out the soil slowly this will help bring out some colours as the ladies use up the remaining nutrients stored in their leaves as they reach the end of their life cycle.
I have been keeping a cooler average temperature - and also keeping the relative humidity lower.
Pest Report: None
You did a wonderful job bro, prime health, i was wondering if I should keep my humidity lower to avoid pm or other problems but as I can see it doesn’t hurt the trichomes production at all 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Really nice 👍🏼
@Hazeterpz, definitely always a good idea to lower the humidity during flowering I have read that it does increase terpene production and also avoids mildew and other issues like bud-rot etc.
Yup my slurricane is prone to thrips as well.
Looks like your pheno is similar to mine, short and stocky with nice stacking. Took 3 clones the other day cause I don't wanna lose out on this strain, i might take one to make seeds.