A good advice: change the solution. Clear gently all part of the bath with the soap, then H202 30% if you have , then give all parts of bath a few hours on the sun. Time to new solutions now and try to add more air to the solution, air pump to max ability maybe. The roots need a lot of air in water solutions, clear bath, no fungus and bad bacteria in your hydro sytem now. The plants will be grateful for that.
@Johnnybighair, the more you let it veg, the bigger the plant becomes - it will, in general, yield more. You could train you plant in various ways to get more bud sites and keep your plants at a reasonable height. Check out a few other diaries so you can see what would work best for you
Looking good so far. I used outside air to cool my light and was constantly struggle to adjust. If you can get it dialed in, with a closed environment and a/c you'll have a much easier time time