Day 20. Switched to 12/12 today. They seem healthy but short. Got a mild white growth in solution from light on during testing (oops) and treated with H202. Should clear quick. Any advice on why so short is welcome. Stems are thick and strong and growth under top leaves is THICK. Should I be concerned?
Dabby popped about 36 hrs before Dank so...size difference. PH is balanced and staying there since I dropped water level below media pot. Temperature control in these tents is really easy. Started with a tiny radiant space heater near a vent but the weather is warming and don't need anymore. My man cave has independent AC so cooling shouldn't be a problem. Oh and they like 70s- 80s classic rock.
A good advice: change the solution. Clear gently all part of the bath with the soap, then H202 30% if you have , then give all parts of bath a few hours on the sun. Time to new solutions now and try to add more air to the solution, air pump to max ability maybe. The roots need a lot of air in water solutions, clear bath, no fungus and bad bacteria in your hydro sytem now. The plants will be grateful for that.
@Johnnybighair, the more you let it veg, the bigger the plant becomes - it will, in general, yield more. You could train you plant in various ways to get more bud sites and keep your plants at a reasonable height. Check out a few other diaries so you can see what would work best for you
Looking good so far. I used outside air to cool my light and was constantly struggle to adjust. If you can get it dialed in, with a closed environment and a/c you'll have a much easier time time