High GD community,
Week 13,
All doing good. Nonetheless the weather is not that great, temps and humidity are good and plants react very good.
Ive read some article about VPD, vapor pressure deficit, thats very intresting.
In the pics you see 2 situations, and its clear that plants get stressed a lot according to these list.
Im trying to do the best i can by adding some moist into the greenhouse. I had very dry conditions and very stressfull. 35 degrees celcius with 45% humidity seems just cruel.
Made a other small batch of water with a small dosage of compost tea, aired for 24h, some honey and bokashi juice.
The honey ive added after 12h of airation of the tea, so it had a good foam on it, smelling sweet and wet forest.
Thats it for this week boys and girls,
Thanks for reading and passing by and 💚💚💚👏👏👏👍👍👍 for Marshydro leds. Quality/price top!
Grow safe buds and feel free to check out my other ladies doing fine thanks!
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Zamnesia!!! 👽👽👽
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