
KIND 600 Led Flower Tent

6 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 4
12 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Commented by
Fun_Growin Fun_Growin
7 years ago
Flower day 17: see pics: 5 ml ProTek 5 ml KLN 5 ml bloom 5 ml mag pro 5 ml sweet 5 ml humic acid 5 ml liquid Seaweed Solo cup worm castings (total) Used 4 gal and bubbled for 24 hrs before use 450 ppm ph5.6 Coming along nicely, was showing flowers by day 14, and that's early for my grows so I'm very excited and happy so far Got a bit of a bald spot towards the right front of the tent, but I'm sure it will all work out in the end Trying to hold off on 2nd trellis.. I may be moving these girls in about a week... so I'm trying to keep them out of the 2nd trellis so I have to cut and move less... We shall see
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Grow Questions
Fun_Growinstarted grow question 7 years ago
Need Help: Getting out of my tents and using a 10x10 room to flower in that has a window AC Question: how do I stop the light leak from coming in through the vents of the window AC? Some people say build a box around it... not practical, so other ideas? Thanks all
Techniques. Defoliation
Stickanswered grow question 7 years ago
Hi there! Well in this scenario I think I would try to use some opaque adhesive film onto the windows. You can also take a look at "BlackoutEZ Window Covers", looks like an efficient solution but not the cheapest. Happy growing ๐Ÿ‘Š

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Fun_Growincommentedweek 47 years ago
@stick @dudegrowsweed Thanks for the input.. The garbage bag flaps willnt work because when the AC turns on the flaps would have to blow open and light would come in.. And dudegrowsweed, I got around making ducting.. I took the front face off my AC; 4 tabs, watched a YouTube video, 3 minutes and I had it off. Took a can $1 can of spray paint.. put 8-10 solid layers of black spray paint on the white styrofoam that makes up the air-conditioners guts... by painting the inside ducting black and not white I was able to eliminate the light leaks!!! Hope this helps someone along the way too
DudeGrowsWeedcommentedweek 47 years ago
Iโ€™d recommend using cardboard and tape to cover up the leak areas to the best of your ability without blocking any of the air movement. And Iโ€™d also suggest having your light schedule in sync with the daylight hours outside. Lights on during the day and off at night. Any light leakage at night should be minimal. Good luck!
DudeGrowsWeedcommented7 years ago
@Fun_Growin, Ok, in that case making some ducting sounds like your best solution
Fun_Growincommented7 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed, Lights on during the day isn't a good option, I'll have almost 2k watts total in lights going and it's 90-100 degrees outside... ac can't keep up... I was considering making a cardboard ducting with a shikane or something.., Notes ideas, thanks ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ช
Stickcommentedweek 47 years ago
@Fun_Growin Hi there! Well in this scenario I think I would try to use some opaque adhesive film onto the windows. You can also take a look at "BlackoutEZ Window Covers", looks like an efficient solution but not the cheapest. Happy growing ๐Ÿ‘Š
Fun_Growincommented7 years ago
@Stick, That's for the input.. the window itself is not the issue. The issue is the light that comes in through the AC unit, that is in the window... Covering the vents would stop or block the air.. I've got a couple ideas and some supplies.. gonna take some pics and give it a shot this weekend.. will update in a few days
Michkacommentedweek 16 years ago
AreThose lights really '' the best growing lights on the market''? I' m interested by them..
Fun_Growincommented6 years ago
@Michka, Thanks for checking out my Grow. You asked about my kind k3 600 LED And if it was the best light.. I got mine USED for 400$ and that was still over priced It only pulls 330 watts and calls itself a 600... But it only grows .5lb flower dry, and that's what a 400w grows... you can get a 400w t5 for like 125$ new... So no, I don't think I would purchase LEDs again. And as I expand I am not buying LEDs :)
ChefDan420commentedweek 96 years ago
Super skunk is a great strain- going luck ๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŒฒ
Fun_Growincommented6 years ago
@ChefDan420, Yea, I have harvested this same genetic 3x now.. it's SUPER STINKY, like you would expect.. It sells for top $ and it's a fast flowering strain too compaired to my others ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Unfortunately I have some new genetics I wanna tryout so duno how many more grows I'll be doing w her
TheFairyBudMothercommentedweek 47 years ago
Black_Magiccommentedweek 27 years ago
This will be nice grow
ChefDan420commentedweek 96 years ago
ChillumMafiacommentedweek 86 years ago
Interesting structure of the variety. Pyramidal beads xDD