It was a good week for Night Nurse👍
Now that they're in the ground they're doing much better and putting out more growth.
The one on the end could have better color, since her new growth is a bit yellow. I gave her an extra feeding last night after I transplanted some Calendula into the bed since it's a good pest repelling companion.
We're getting some much needed rain today🙏
Otherwise there's not much else to report!
Update 6/26- I totally forgot to add that on Monday the garden got a spraying of horn manure. Horn manure is a biodynamic preparation of cow manure that's been fermented in a buried horn. This results in a material that's teeming with beneficial flora and fauna for the soil. Ideally it would be sprayed prior to planting in the spring as it encourages healthy root growth. I purchased the pre-potenized so that I only had to spend 20 mins stirring rather than an entire hour. That would have been brutal😵
I sprayed it at night when the earth is breathing in and used a spruce bough to sprinkle it over the plants in the garden. The extra icing on the cake was that there was a rain the day before, and another the day after I sprayed so it was well watered in.
I think she had problem from start. this is one of the rare situatuins where i would blame genetics
ive had such acrumbely thing too. i just let here grow, she was no beauty queen but she gave me aharvest
i dont think there is anythong you can fix. Give her love and attention, water and food,
@Mrs_Larimar, Thank you for that🙏 She has been improving little by little every day.
Today I bought some spent mushroom substrate blocks from a local mushroom farmer down the road and crumbled them around the base and watered them in. Hoping the mushroom mycelium works their magic🙌
I agree its hard this year , quite challenging. But hey i like challenges😘
hoping for warm and dry Autumn
What was the Name of the CBD?, she looks fantastic!
Niiiice! I just tossed a couple of these same beans in some water a few minutes ago. Tomorrow they'll go in paper towel to germ. Not sure if I'll grow out the seedlings in dirt or if I'll start them off in the aerogarden but I'll definitely be doing a soil grow with them, indoor under full spectrum LED.
@Mrs_Larimar, LOL! Hello to you too👋
It's all good👍 I'm really excited for this one too😎
Gonna be some high quality medicine if the #'s are true👌Just what the Nurse ordered😏