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♡!!Greenhouse life!!♡

3 years ago
Lettuce pomme vert
Lettuce iceberg
Lettuce 4 season
Tomato coeur de boeuff
Room Type
weeks 10-11, 15, 18, 20
weeks 4-5, 11, 18-20
Grow medium
1 L
Week 4. Vegetation
4 years ago
40 cm
14 hrs
24 °C
73 %
18 °C
19 °C
10 °C
0 L
Nutrients 3
Bokashi juice 1 mll
Blackstrap molasses unsulphured 2 mll
Vegan 6-0-0 1 mll
High GD community, Just want to keep my greenhouse up to date, so ive got a nice view over the season. The ladies will soon join here, but nights are still a bit to cold for now. Today ive took out all the sidegrow of the tomatoes. First flowers are showing. Lettuce pomme vert is the big ones already. Getting ready first ones in a week or 3. Lettuce 4 season is the red coloured strain. These are 3 weeks younger and only got in last week. Lettuce iceberg i try to keep a bit behind, so i dont need to eat lettuce 24/7 .😅 Eggplant has sufferd from the cold nights last week. But it seems to recover now. Cucumber is new since last week 2, and it maintains but not much growth yet. And bcs theres only place for eight strains, i have more to tell about. Theres onion growing nicely, its a mixed range, so not quiet sure what colours of onion ill harvest. Theres zuchini, again, planted out last week and looking good. Allready some growth and leafs getting bigger. Sweet pointed paprika, but not yet dug in. they get in every night. And as last, theres some melon 2. Tis a second try, but i hope to actually harvest at least 1 melon. Last year this didnt work out at all. So now with the new semi pro greenhouse, i hope to get me some results. Today (1-5-21) ive tried out something new with my soil. Its called perma terra or terra perma. Its based upon fields found in the amazon were locals build very large surfaces with very nutritious soil a long the centuries. It didnt take centuries to be fertile. Dont mistake that. They started of with chopping trees to open up a space, and everything harvested of wood was burned on the spot. Leaving a good base to start with. After that, multiple layers of food leftovers mixed with animal/human feces and dry plantmaterial, bones and leftovers from hunted animals. Layer after layer they buil up soils as high as 1m20. Making a space for microbiological life to trive. Ive did the burning in a pit(1m) having a layer of ashes and bigger pieces of burned wood of around 3 inches. This ive cooled down a bit with some rainwater. Adding a layer of soil over it, than i putted 3 layers of bokashi (12 weeks fermentation) each time seperated with 2 inches of soil. Than 1 layer of 3 inches dry weed leafs and woodwork. Finishing off with a last layer of flax straw. That all!!😅😅😅 I hope nobody gets offended by the fact its not a weed diary, but its part my lifestyle. Hope you get some joy from the garden. 💚💚💚💚💚💚 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏.
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
4 years ago
45 cm
15 hrs
25 °C
76 %
18 °C
10 °C
10 °C
1 L
Nutrients 2
Blackstrap molasses unsulphured 1 mll
Vegan 6-0-0 1 mll
High GD community, Week 5, All plants have survived the cold nights and from now on its min 6 to 7 degrees celcius at night. Frost is out of the country. 🙏 Lettuce never had a problem, and maybe this week ill harvest my first one. 🥗🥗🥗 without the tomatoes, 😂. All tomato plants start to grow at a good pace and in the upcoming week, there will be some first guiding in the net. 🙈🙈🙈 Zuchini growing good, cucumber had a harder time digesting the cold over night. I did burnt some wood blocks in my old bbq and when it was only red bricks glowing, entered the greenhouse at a bit before midnight. Keeping frost out and keep a 2 to 3 degrees celcius above 0. Eggplants still recovering, but she wïll make it. Its not a vegetable i eat every week. Its more like a tomato sauce based with all kinds of veggies in it and some pasta. Thats it for this week boys and girls, 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
4 years ago
50 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
79 %
18 °C
17 °C
12 °C
1 L
Nutrients 3
Blackstrap molasses unsulphured 1 mll
Vegan 6-0-0 1 mll
Microferm active microbes 1 mll
High GD community, Week 6, Greenhouse is developing nicely. Entered some new seeds into the soil together with my 4y old. He likes digging holes and fill up the cups. Using his tiny fingers to make a little hole and plant the seeds. Growing like a pro allready. We planted Apple seeds, lettuce, beans, melons and butternuts. Watering in the morning Thats it for this week boys and girls, Thanks for reading and passing by and 💚💚💚👏👏👏👍👍👍 for Marshydro leds. Quality/price top! Grow safe buds and feel free to check out my other ladies doing fine thanks! 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏 Weedseedsexpress!!!! 👏👏👏 LarfxWSE for discount at weedseedsexpress!!! 15% off!!! Zamnesia!!! 👽👽👽 Add OrganicLarF as a code when buying your own MarsHydro LED light and get a nice reduction!!!👽🚀🛸
Week 7. Vegetation
4 years ago
60 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
83 %
18 °C
19 °C
12 °C
1 L
Nutrients 2
Vegan 6-0-0 2 mll
Microferm active microbes 2 mll
High GD community, Week 7, Theres been a lot of rain last week, heavy winds. A lot of dust blew into the greenhouse. Theres also an attack of snails. Bcs the natural barrier of straw was blown away. Those sneeky bastards!!!🔪🔪🐌 First flowers appear on the zuchinis, theyve been growing a lot. Big fat leafs! The eggplants recovered 100% and showing new growth on top of the plant. Melons keep having a hard time, so i bought a other 1, same strain, only a F1 version. 🤞 Spanish peppers have their first flowers. 2 newbies are red pointed sweet paprika. And cucumber not triving yet. 1 died, so i bought 2 new ones, just to be sure. Of all the little pots my son made, nothing sprouted yet, except for some weeds. He was a bit dissapointed all week nothing appeared, reallife lessons in patience and failure. This week ive started siefing my compost pile. While i was turning over some parts of the compost, i noticed a lot of bummblebees swerving around. Than i found this hairy ball that was buzzing. If i knew they had their home installed, i would have been less brutal. Its a hard job turning over more tgan 1 qubic meter of plantmaterials and soil all mixed. So ive restored the place a bit, covered the space so the rain coulnt get onto the nest. As you can see, those bees are working their white ass off to get thinks back in place. Just a few hours after(14h) they are back in business. I also was astonished by how much wind those big fat bumblebees produce. Dust is swirling up when they hoover above the soil. Ive planted the iceberg lettuce togethere with an other 6 4 seasons lettuce, and covered the space for the intens rains and winds of last week. Thats it for this weeks adventure!! 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏
Week 8. Flowering
4 years ago
74 cm
17 hrs
31 °C
71 %
18 °C
21 °C
15 °C
2 L
Nutrients 3
Blackstrap molasses unsulphured 0.5 mll
Vegan 6-0-0 1 mll
Microferm active microbes 1 mll
High GD community, Week 8, 2 months on its way, im in love with the greenhouse!!! Eating lettuce 10 times a week, 😂😂😂 First zuchini is almost ready for harvest, look at the size it took in just 1 week!!! This is a vegggie ill take in bigger production next year. Its loving the soil. First small green tomatoes are visible now. Im curious how long they take now to mature and be ready for harvest. All the rest like melons, cucumber and eggplant still searching their way. Not really convincing me of their strenght. Lettuce outside grows slowly but steady. I took some pics of my 3 fruit trees. Peach is aparently weak resistance against this infection. There is a treathment with pesticides, but thats not coming into my garden. So im on a search for helping this tree to get stronger/more resistant, to this infection. Please write in the comment section or chat if you want to share your toughts on this one. Apple and pear tree are looking good. Its only their second season in the garden. Yield of last year was 3 apples, 2 eaten by 1 of my dogs. 🤭🤭🤭🙈🙈🙈. She's a real all eater! If it fits her mouth, it goes in!!! Food that is for all you filty minds out there. Hindu kush automatic There ones was a prinses, all forgotten in the fridge. She finally went into the ground, about 5 weeks ago . She is not a big shot, thats for sure. Its just i cant trow away stuff, so i gave it its birthright. She 1 out of 3. Well see what it brings. Im proud at my wild flower plantperk. They should optimalize the soil of says, by some braking the soil with the roots, others putting in oxigen and nutrients. All benificial for the soil life. Its a try out, and will make my wife happywith some bouquet Of wild flowers. Thats it for this week. Thanks for reading and passing by. 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏
Week 9. Flowering
4 years ago
98 cm
17 hrs
32 °C
76 %
19 °C
23 °C
17 °C
2 L
Nutrients 1
Microferm active microbes 1 mll
High GD community, Except for the melons and paprika everything is having bloom or even allready fruits. First courgette was harvested last tuesday, and boy it was a good one. This is the most productive veggie in the greenhouse. She carries lots of flowers. Tomatoes are in second with all still green but allready some at sixed fruiting branche. Almost topping for those, probably halfway this week. Rest is doing all ok. 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏
1 comment
Week 10. Flowering
4 years ago
104 cm
17 hrs
33 °C
63 %
20 °C
23 °C
17 °C
2 L
Nutrients 1
Blackstrap molasses unsulphured 1 mll
High GD community, Week 10, All plants doing fine except for the melons. Thats it for this week boys and girls, Thanks for reading and passing by and 💚💚💚👏👏👏👍👍👍 for Marshydro leds. Quality/price top! Grow safe buds and feel free to check out my other ladies doing fine thanks! 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏 Weedseedsexpress!!!! 👏👏👏 LarfxWSE for discount at weedseedsexpress!!! 15% off!!! Zamnesia!!! 👽👽👽 Add OrganicLarF as a code when buying your own MarsHydro LED light and get a nice reduction!!!👽🚀🛸
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
4 years ago
115 cm
17 hrs
24 °C
76 %
19 °C
21 °C
15 °C
2 L
Nutrients 2
Blackstrap molasses unsulphured 2 mll
Compost tea 100 mll
High GD community, Week 11, Had some heatwave for 2 days last week, followed by a much colder climate full of rain and clouds. The compost tea did a great job, and the rootsystems are fully operational. Had lots of waterdrips hanging from the tomato leaves, and i wasnt quit sure how to interpret it. But its a very good sign, roots taking so much moist, leaves let the leftovers go, in this case very much. The greenhouse is doing fine and im learning how to manage heat and airflow. Pics of the peach show the enemy in its most visible way. I gave the tree a few treathments with milk/AM mix sprayed, compost tea sprayed and also 10 liter at the base of the tree to support its imunesystem. Last year, almost no leaves was left anymore by now, so im in a battle to the disease, 👍. Theres only 1 peach, but guys, honestly, every peach is worth fighting for. 🤭🤭🤭 Pears and apples are doing fine. Theyve also enjoyed treatment of the peach, just to boost them up, so fruits get sweet and big. I got a nice amount of different looking poppies in my garden, tiny differences, some bigger. Im also very proud about my 8m² of wildflowers, they are always in company of the bees and other insects. I love this place. Raspberries, strawberries, fresh chocolat chip mint and fresh strawberry mint for the taking!!! Olivetree is in full bloom and smells amazing. The figstree a sculpted into a big natural parasol true the years, to sit under on those hot days. Its starts to produce again 2. Curryherb, oregano, laurier and anis are growing out big this year. The mini greenhouse of my son is starting to grow out fine, probably installing a second one to replant all of those seedlings. Theres some pics of some plants 2, almost flowering canna, etc. All plants have benifitted from that compost tea. Every single one of them got there portion. 🙏🙏🙏 Thats it for this week boys and girls, Thanks for reading and passing by and 💚💚💚👏👏👏👍👍👍 for Marshydro leds. Quality/price top! Grow safe buds and feel free to check out my other ladies doing fine thanks! 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏 Weedseedsexpress!!!! 👏👏👏 LarfxWSE for discount at weedseedsexpress!!! 15% off!!! Zamnesia!!! 👽👽👽 Add OrganicLarF as a code when buying your own MarsHydro LED light and get a nice reduction!!!👽🚀🛸
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
4 years ago
150 cm
17 hrs
23 °C
68 %
20 °C
21 °C
17 °C
2 L
Nutrients 3
Compost tea 30 mll
Acacia honey 2 mll
Bokashi juice 10 mll
High GD community, Week 13, First tomatoes start to change colour!! Eating zuchinis like a madman, and share some with the neighbour. 1 zuchini a day is normal. I pick them early, so no seeds are present and they taste better. Started doing some pollination bcs theirs not to much bees or insects in the greenhouse. Cucumber is climbing very good and starts to make tiny fruits. Melon doing fine, but a bit shy. Please check out those first 3 pics. Ive got a few places in my greenhouse where this white substance is forming. I tried as best i can to make a macro shot of it. Are these salts or fungi? 1 thing i should mention is, this is on top of the soil where i made this layer formation of "perma terra ". 1m deep, bottom filled with straw and small wood pieces, some bigger pieces of wood, burnt that down for like 1 hour, than a small layer of soil, layer of bokashi 12 weeks fermentation. Layer soil, layer straw with woodchips , layer soil, layer bokashi, layer soil, layer compost, topping of with straw and an other layer of soil. Just to get you a idea, 😅😅😅 I did just a trench of 1m by 50cm. To see how the soil looks after x months. Thats it for this week boys and girls, Thanks for reading and passing by and 💚💚💚👏👏👏👍👍👍 for Marshydro leds. Quality/price top! Grow safe buds and feel free to check out my other ladies doing fine thanks! 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏 Weedseedsexpress!!!! 👏👏👏 LarfxWSE for discount at weedseedsexpress!!! 15% off!!! Zamnesia!!! 👽👽👽 Add OrganicLarF as a code when buying your own MarsHydro LED light and get a nice reduction!!!👽🚀🛸
Week 15. Flowering
4 years ago
180 cm
16 hrs
28 °C
54 %
20 °C
21 °C
18 °C
2 L
Nutrients 2
Acacia honey 2 mll
Bokashi juice 10 mll
High GD community, Week 15, Sorry for skipping a week, but it was a dark cold week, 2 weeks ago, with almost no progress in de garden. Even the zuchinis was only 2 in that week. Now, first tomatoes are harvested. Cucumber starts to grow very good, first melon is on its way. Eggplant the same. Spanish peppers are all like 12 to 14 cm long, but still very green. Sweet pointed paprika make flower but seem to have more difficulty to maintain growth in a good flow. Outside the greenhouse, fruits growing well. I had to remove a catarpillar nest. At least 50 catarpillars at 1 spot in the pear tree. Apples dubbled in size. First blueberries since planting 2 years ago. The anti mole plant is something that arrived on its own here. My father told me about it. It should keep moles away from the garden, or at least that area. But I see moles as a positive thing as they make the soil better with there tunnels. Ill harvest the seeds from it, so if I encounter a mole plague, i got some bio arms to scare them of naturaly. Compost is nicely piling up, trying my best to have a good N and C mixture. Question for those who read all this. My carbonfilter is at the end of its life and as it seems impossible to reactivate those pellets, at least not without a heating until 3000°c if I understood correct, and i should use those in my compost 2. Bcs C (carbon) is difficult to find all year around. Cant chop trees in full summer. So the question is, should i add my carbon filter pellets to my compostpile or not? I count to do it anyway, just to see how it reacts, but if i read some logic reasening why i shouldend, i will follow!! Thats it for this week boys and girls. 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏
Used techniques
Week 16. Flowering
4 years ago
180 cm
16 hrs
28 °C
54 %
20 °C
21 °C
18 °C
2 L
Nutrients 1
Acacia honey 1 mll
High GD community Week 16, Zuchinis all around, tomatoes getting ready on a daily. Cucumbers are getting almost mature proportions. Everything going well. Terra preta Location: center perma garden Surface: 125cm x 105cm Depth: 115cm The hole was dug out over 3 days, it were very sunny days. 😅 Theres mostly loamsand with a small sandloam bottom that was very hard. The sand was also very compressed and hard. The top layer is this grey dusty soil of about 40cm deep. At the bottom theres pure sand thats soft, easy drainable. First step is to fill up the entire bottom with fine chopped wood, progressively using bigger pieces of wood. I try to use some hardwood like oak to for its extra K (potassium = pot ash). A bit of charcoal to. This will take the entire first day, bcs it needs to have a minimal ticknes of pure ashes of around 5cm. Otherwise, after compressing it with the upcoming layers, the ash-line would almost disappear. Not all the wood needs to be burned entirely. Its a first layer with lots of N and K. Bones can be used to in the fire making the NPK complete. But it can be added also as a separated layer. I dont have that much bone material because my 2 dogs, or eating, or burry them somewere. Little warning at the end, be aware of your local laws applied to open fires. 😅😉 After a good burn ive got between 8 and 12cm of ashes in total over the entire surface. A small layer of soil (5cm) is put on top of that. Theres no need to harden out that layer, pressure will to the work and the layers will compress over time into ideal circumstances. On to the next layer!! Next is a layer of the compost, but the part that isnt allready decomposed. Its green/brown/yellow of color. And a bit of everything, grass, weeds, leafs and some thin branches. Another layer soil to cover that up. Now i formed a thin layer of chopped(10mm) wood(beech), just enough to make a thin,almost 1 piece high, layer. On to this i added a complete wheelbarrel of compost(black) with small pieces of still not completly decomposed materials. Lots of worms here. On that, you guessed it, an other layer of soil. I try to have both types of soil in that mix, the almost pure sand and the more grey type. Next, back to the beech. This time the rest of the bag follows. Theres a good layer of around 3cm deep. On this ive layed down some new small woodsticks to make a small fire again. Starting at the center and adding some last branches i found. It turned out really smoky!! Half way the burn ive opend the core of the fire, trying to spread the small pieces of char over the complete surface. After that, i added for the first time some water here. And an other layer of soil again, this is just covering up each time. Max 5cm!! Now we are at the upper half of the pit. Still 50cm to go. Now ive added some compost again, the green/brown/yellow one, with on top of that, a 15 liter bucket with compressed bokashi fermentated kitchen leftovers. Making a layer out of that and some fresh bokashi juice with 10 liters of water to drain those benificial bacteria into to compost layer just underneath it. This layer is almost 20cm tick. Again, yeah, soil, 5cm. Ive bought some blond peat to at to to toplayers. Last 25 to 30cm of soil, is a mix of the peat(20%) and the two other types of soil. First ill do tiny layers of each, last 10cm i try to mix it. And to finish the job, ive took some 100% reused and composed soil with some perlite in it from past use. I havent watered a lot, but the meteo predicts a good amount of water in the upcoming days. The soil that stayed and didnt get back to its original place, ive used to make a new top layer on the rest of the mini field. I havent used clay because it was hard to find or just to expensive. Beside the peat(250l), i didnt buy anything. So its labor intensive, but real cheap. If you dont get a sanction by the community ofcours! 😅😅😅 Feel free to comment and give your toughts. 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏 Thats it for this week boys and girls, Thanks for reading and passing by and 💚💚💚👏👏👏👍👍👍 for Marshydro leds. Quality/price top! Grow safe buds and feel free to check out my other ladies doing fine thanks! 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏 Weedseedsexpress!!!! 👏👏👏 LarfxWSE for discount at weedseedsexpress!!! 15% off!!! Zamnesia!!! 👽👽👽 Add OrganicLarF as a code when buying your own MarsHydro LED light and get a nice reduction!!!👽🚀🛸
Week 17. Flowering
4 years ago
200 cm
16 hrs
24 °C
58 %
20 °C
21 °C
18 °C
2 L
Nutrients 2
Humic Acid Plus - Green Buzz Nutrients
Humic Acid Plus 3 mll
Organic Bloom Liquid - Green Buzz Nutrients
Organic Bloom Liquid 2 mll
High GD community, Week 17, Weather was not great the last week, so ripening the veggies slowed down. Still ive harvested a good amount of candy tomatoes and 3 cucumbers. The tomatoes show some deficiënties, and i gave them a gold treatment with some humic acids and organic veg nutrients into their todays watering. Thats it for this week boys and girls, Thanks for reading and passing by and 💚💚💚👏👏👏👍👍👍 for Marshydro leds. Quality/price top! Grow safe buds and feel free to check out my other ladies doing fine thanks! 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏 Special thanks to 🏅🌿greenbuzzliquids🌿🏅 Use organic_larF for 15% discount 👏👏👏Weedseedsexpress!!!! 👏👏👏 LarfxWSE for discount at weedseedsexpress!!! 15% off!!! 👽👽👽Zamnesia!!! 👽👽👽 Add OrganicLarF as a code when buying your own MarsHydro LED light and get a nice reduction!!!👽🚀🛸
Week 18. Flowering
4 years ago
220 cm
15 hrs
24 °C
61 %
20 °C
20 °C
16 °C
1 L
Nutrients 1
Humic Acid Plus - Green Buzz Nutrients
Humic Acid Plus 2 mll
High GD community, Week 18, It has been a week of lots of lessons. Tomatoes got infected, had to remove lots of leaves and dusting lavarockdust. So far they seem to recover and no rotten tomatoes anymore. The lesson is, tomatoes need a much dryer climate then the cucumber and the ladies in the back. They also need to be defoliated from bottom up to make a better airflow, and dry away that moist that installed over night. So thats a warning to for the ladies, when they are in full bloom modus. I also came upon a article that says, tomato doesnt need a daily watering, bcs they are capable of gowing deeproot. So ive cut the waterflow to a third, bcs conditions are still moist outside the greenhouse, and i ll see from here. Added a touch of humic acids, for a good balance of the soil. Thats it for this week boys and girls, Thanks for reading and passing by and 💚💚💚👏👏👏👍👍👍 for Marshydro leds. Quality/price top! Grow safe buds and feel free to check out my other ladies doing fine thanks! 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏 Special thanks to 🏅🌿greenbuzzliquids🌿🏅 Use organic_larF for 15% discount 👏👏👏Weedseedsexpress!!!! 👏👏👏 LarfxWSE for discount at weedseedsexpress!!! 15% off!!! 👽👽👽Zamnesia!!! 👽👽👽 Add OrganicLarF as a code when buying your own MarsHydro LED light and get a nice reduction!!!👽🚀🛸
Used techniques
Week 19. Flowering
4 years ago
220 cm
15 hrs
26 °C
56 %
21 °C
21 °C
17 °C
1 L
Nutrients 2
Humic Acid Plus - Green Buzz Nutrients
Humic Acid Plus 2 mll
Organic Bloom Liquid - Green Buzz Nutrients
Organic Bloom Liquid 2 mll
High GD community, Week 19, An other good clean up this week, temps and humidity were ok, and molds didnt spread out further. Coming week looks rather depressing with low temps and lots of rain. 🤞 to keep things mold free!! Thats it for this week boys and girls, Thanks for reading and passing by and 💚💚💚👏👏👏👍👍👍 for Marshydro leds. Quality/price top! Grow safe buds and feel free to check out my other ladies doing fine thanks! 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏 Special thanks to 🏅🌿greenbuzzliquids🌿🏅 Use organic_larF for 15% discount 👏👏👏Weedseedsexpress!!!! 👏👏👏 LarfxWSE for discount at weedseedsexpress!!! 15% off!!! 👽👽👽Zamnesia!!! 👽👽👽 Add OrganicLarF as a code when buying your own MarsHydro LED light and get a nice reduction!!!👽🚀🛸
Used techniques
Week 20. Flowering
4 years ago
220 cm
14 hrs
23 °C
67 %
19 °C
19 °C
14 °C
0 L
Nutrients 1
Organic Bloom Liquid - Green Buzz Nutrients
Organic Bloom Liquid 2 mll
High GD community, Week 20, Its been a less good periode now, and it start to show. Damp weather made me clean up the tomatoes very intens. Ive removed all matured tomatoes and removed every leaf infected or showing signs of. I had allready some new sprouts coming out of the top, but ive chopped them entirely back to about 1m20 high. Ive removed 4. At the other side, melons are getting productive, but bcs of the low temps and very few real sunhours they dont get bigger then a golfball. Cucumber went a bit down in production, but theres 2 new ligns forming so theres still coming up. Spanish peppers are starting to get red 1 at a time. Zuchinis are also on a hold. Theres some better days coming up, i hope that wakes it all back up. 1 feeding this week with greenbuzzliquids bloom, just to give some extra, but i need to be carefull with moist levels. Thats it for this week boys and girls, Thanks for reading and passing by and 💚💚💚👏👏👏👍👍👍 for Marshydro leds. Quality/price top! Grow safe buds and feel free to check out my other ladies doing fine thanks! 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏 Special thanks to 🏅🌿greenbuzzliquids🌿🏅 Use organic_larF for 15% discount 👏👏👏Weedseedsexpress!!!! 👏👏👏 LarfxWSE for discount at weedseedsexpress!!! 15% off!!! 👽👽👽Zamnesia!!! 👽👽👽 Add OrganicLarF as a code when buying your own MarsHydro LED light and get a nice reduction!!!👽🚀🛸
Used techniques
Week 21. Flowering
3 years ago
220 cm
13 hrs
23 °C
67 %
19 °C
19 °C
14 °C
0 L
Just nature at work!!! Love it!!! Thats it for this week boys and girls, Thanks for reading and passing by and 💚💚💚👏👏👏👍👍👍 for Marshydro leds. Quality/price top! Grow safe buds and feel free to check out my other ladies doing fine thanks! 🌈viparspectra🌈 🎟️Organic_LarF♡viparspectra 🎟️ for your discount!!!! 🌈Join us now🌈 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏 Special thanks to 🏅🌿greenbuzzliquids🌿🏅 Use organic_larF for 15% discount 👏👏👏Weedseedsexpress!!!! 👏👏👏 LarfxWSE for discount at weedseedsexpress!!! 15% off!!! 👽👽👽Zamnesia!!! 👽👽👽 Add OrganicLarF as a code when buying your own MarsHydro LED light and get a nice reduction!!!👽🚀🛸
Week 22. Flowering
3 years ago
220 cm
13 hrs
23 °C
67 %
19 °C
19 °C
14 °C
0 L
Week 25. Flowering
3 years ago
220 cm
13 hrs
23 °C
58 %
19 °C
19 °C
13 °C
1 L
Nutrients 1
Water 1000 mll
High GD community, Season comin slightly to an end now. 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏
Week 26. Flowering
3 years ago
11 hrs
20 °C
68 %
14 °C
8 °C
Nutrients 1
Water 1000 mll
High GD community, An other season almost at its end, Cleaned up the cucumber and melon, last 4 cucumbers harvested this week. Melon is further ripening inside the house. Spanish peppers keeps on gowing, making new blossoms, as like the sweet pointed paprika, its giving lots of flowers, but no actual fruits developed this year. 1 paprika thats all, and like 35 pepers in total. The bottleneck Pumpkin or squash is massive in vegatation, but only 3 fruits, 1 big 2 small young ones. Pears are nearly ripe, harvest this wknd 👨‍🌾 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏
1 comment


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deFharocommentedweek 154 years ago
Hola, sobre la reutilización del carbón activado, de filtros de olor, en el compost... improvisando Yo creo que en tu compost no te hace falta carbono, tienes mucha materia seca. El carbón de los filtros, probablemente no se va a degradar en el compost, por su origen, cumpliendo sólo la función de retención de humedad o nutrientes... pero este carbón ya viene con todos sus poros ocupados por todas las substancias que a captado mientras absorbía olores en tus carpas de cultivo. Yo lo que haría es repartirlo y mezclarlo por la tierra de tu jardín exterior, por el color, tu tierra parece arcillosa, el carbón mejorará la estructura de ese suelo y las lluvias arrastrarán las substancias actuales retenidas en los poros del carbón y se cambiarán por humedad y por los nutrientes que vayan captando del suelo o los riegos posteriores.
Organic_LarFcommented4 years ago
@@OimRausch, Thanks for the comment guys, ill keep it aside and when winter is around ill plan to take off some layers in the greenhouse and do a large soil upgrade using these in the mix. Always nice to read your ideas!! Both of you!!! 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏
OimRauschcommented4 years ago
@Organic_LarF, Morning Mates, I totally agree with deFharo. The coal from the filter will be saturated enough.. Although with fresh coal I would say due to its porous structure, the coal has a very large surface. Microorganisms and bacteria would have lots of space to cultivate... and water and nutes could be stored too, just like deFharo mentioned. My favorite greenhouse here btw...😃🤘
Organic_LarFcommented4 years ago
@deFharo, I follow your idea. The soil isnt clay but loam sand, were it will serve also as a improvement of the soils waterretaining proporties. Thanks for the opinion. 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏
Ferenccommentedweek 194 years ago
Niiiiice @Organic_LarF
MrJonescommentedweek 54 years ago
💯👍Hope you have an awesome weekend, Looking great, nice and healthy!👍💯
Organic_LarFcommented4 years ago
@MrJones, 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏
Taitocommentedweek 44 years ago
Bonito huerto compañero 👌
Organic_LarFcommented4 years ago
@Taito, I try to serve body and mind! 😄😄😄 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏
SegaYGriegacommentedweek 194 years ago
Beautiful garden, bro 🌿🌾🌱
Taitocommentedweek 194 years ago
Un huerto fantástico👊
DoDrugs420commentedweek 154 years ago
deFharocommentedweek 94 years ago
Me gusta tu invernadero... no todo es fumar, también hay que comer!! 😁💗
SegaYGriegacommentedweek 84 years ago
Симпатичные томаты, огурцы и кабачёк !!!
deFharocommentedweek 44 years ago
Simplemente, fantástico espacio de vida!! 🌲☘️🌾👨‍🌾🌞🤪🐌
GreenBuzzNutrientscommentedweek 194 years ago
And nice Sti😁cker on the Windows of your greenhouse
GreenBuzzNutrientscommented4 years ago
@Organic_LarF,nice you like the cap
Organic_LarFcommented4 years ago
@GreenBuzzNutrients, And the cap i wear at a daily. 1m81 high billboard!!!😂😂😂 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏
GreenBuzzNutrientscommentedweek 184 years ago
Very nice .gardening. keep it greenHumic acid is good for every living beeing
GreenBuzzNutrientscommented4 years ago
😇@Organic_LarF, i was not talking about good taste😅 But humic and fluvic acid are great .and EM too.
Organic_LarFcommented4 years ago
@GreenBuzzNutrients, I can belief that, but i rather not take a spoon myself. It would probably mess up my intestines.😅😅😅 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏
Green_Dreamcommentedweek 84 years ago
Things are looking great in your greenhouse, you must be located a bit more south then I am(DK), my first zucchini is just appearing now. They are very productive, you might find yourself eating that every day soon as well, like with your salad 😁
Organic_LarFcommented4 years ago
@Green_Dream, 😂😂😂 That will be the case!!! Just harvested the first zuchini. Im From Belgium, so yes, a few km more south. 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏
SegaYGriegacommentedweek 84 years ago
Красивый сад , у меня тоже большой сад , в котом много всяких трав и растений !!!
Organic_LarFcommented4 years ago
@SegaYGriega, Thanks! Its not that big, but its enough. 👨‍🌾👨‍🌾👨‍🌾 🙏🌿🌿🌿🙏
XII_XII_MrGreencommentedweek 74 years ago
Im gonna use this diaries for when I start my own veg/fruit garden 🧐😋 good job bro 👌🏼👊🏼
Organic_LarFcommented4 years ago
@XII_XII_MrGreen, Call me if you have any question at all. Every crop grown yourself is just better. No transport, no pesticides, no watery veggies no more!! And you can always share some with friends, neighbour. Good food bonds people!! 👨‍🌾👨‍🌾👨‍🌾
Green_Dreamcommentedweek 253 years ago
Figs 😃😍
GreenBuzzNutrientscommentedweek 194 years ago
Nice Garden. It was agood week indeed. sun and less rain. Happy growing
OimRauschcommentedweek 164 years ago
Well, thank you for that...tbh thinkin of doing the same with my bed in autum👍👍👍 Great info Mate
Grey_Wolfcommentedweek 164 years ago
Far out that is super interesting mate Love your dedication to making things like that super soil hole 👌
TeknoRangercommentedweek 134 years ago
wish you a good harvest 💪😏👍
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