Man, I can't wait until I can buy some property and do something like this! You are living the dream my friend. At least my dream anyway. Good luck on your grow!
Hola, sobre la reutilización del carbón activado, de filtros de olor, en el compost... improvisando
Yo creo que en tu compost no te hace falta carbono, tienes mucha materia seca.
El carbón de los filtros, probablemente no se va a degradar en el compost, por su origen, cumpliendo sólo la función de retención de humedad o nutrientes... pero este carbón ya viene con todos sus poros ocupados por todas las substancias que a captado mientras absorbía olores en tus carpas de cultivo.
Yo lo que haría es repartirlo y mezclarlo por la tierra de tu jardín exterior, por el color, tu tierra parece arcillosa, el carbón mejorará la estructura de ese suelo y las lluvias arrastrarán las substancias actuales retenidas en los poros del carbón y se cambiarán por humedad y por los nutrientes que vayan captando del suelo o los riegos posteriores.
Thanks for the comment guys, ill keep it aside and when winter is around ill plan to take off some layers in the greenhouse and do a large soil upgrade using these in the mix.
Always nice to read your ideas!!
Both of you!!!
Morning Mates,
I totally agree with deFharo. The coal from the filter will be saturated enough..
Although with fresh coal I would say due to its porous structure, the coal has a very large surface. Microorganisms and bacteria would have lots of space to cultivate... and water and nutes could be stored too, just like deFharo mentioned.
My favorite greenhouse here btw...😃🤘
I follow your idea. The soil isnt clay but loam sand, were it will serve also as a improvement of the soils waterretaining proporties.
Thanks for the opinion.
Things are looking great in your greenhouse, you must be located a bit more south then I am(DK), my first zucchini is just appearing now. They are very productive, you might find yourself eating that every day soon as well, like with your salad 😁
Call me if you have any question at all.
Every crop grown yourself is just better. No transport, no pesticides, no watery veggies no more!!
And you can always share some with friends, neighbour. Good food bonds people!!