17-05-2021: Growth is enormous now. Differences can be seen between morning and evening. This week I will start some topping before switching to 12/12. I expect that they will recover pretty fast so maybe I will top them twice. Raised EC to 1.6 Started to add some CalMag.
18-05-2021: Yesterday my H2O2 (50% silver stabilized) arrived and I have added 20ml to kill the algae. Tomorrow I start dosing 3ml on a daily base (if they survive this shock treatment). Also the reason I added 3 pictures of all of them, could be the last time I see them this way😉.
19-05-2021: They all survived😂 Cool... what doesn't kill them makes them stronger isn't it? Tomorrow I will top them. Next week (5 days later) again. Maybe another time on the 30th when I put them on 12/12
20-05-2021: Topped today 1st time. Hoping to top again in 5 days if recovered enough. If so I top again in 10 days when switching to 12/12.
@ChronicFinest, Well I have very good experience with the TSL 2000 and that was only about €250,00. So they have to perform very well to not disappoint me (value for the money). My average on Mars is about 1.7 gram/watt
Thinking about using one of these seeds (seedsman winning) as an alternate for next grow in case I don't get 5/5 on my Skunk Hero germination. Following your grow for sure. Best of luck!