Hey there 🤩 Thanks for stopping by 👋
So you will need about 200 grams of potent cannabutter, 200g of sugar, 1 or 2 eggs, vanilla, Half teaspoon of salt and baking soda and some flour, untill the mix gets harder and easier to put on the baking pan. Will be more delicious if you add Chocolate chips and some wallnuts ✌️ and bake it on 220°C for about 10-12 minutes and you have it 🤩 Delicious coockies 💚 If you have any questions you can DM me ✌️💚
@Vee_vee, You'll need 15 to 20 grams of dried trim and 200-300 grams of butter. first Decarboxylate your trim 120°c for 1 hour in the oven. Then boil in the butter on steam or water for about 3-4 hours and just squeeze with some fabric. You'll have a potent butter 😁