I love Jack 47 XL with its great flavour and sativa effect. This plant was dwarfed due to cold weather in mid-May. This plant was outside with others but it was at the perimeter and got colder than some others. This wasn’t the only strain that was dwarfed but it was my last Jack seed and I couldn’t restart like I did with several others (bubblegum, alt gelato, membrana hiper, and others). So apologies to Sweet Seeds but this small one was carried through to harvest because I like it so much. I will try again sometime in future.
Plant material mostly went for hash.
@Wemeetagain, nothing against that plant and I really liked the first one I grew last year. It was outside during the cold weather in mid-May and got stressed enough to get stunted. Plants that were a couple weeks older did fine (or well enough) but the Jack and a bunch of others (gelato, membrana hipper, bubblegum, smoothie) got hit hard. I culled most of them and started again but kept the Jack going cuz it was my last seed and I liked it so much. Shit happens and apologies to Sweet Seeds for the bad luck.
@Wemeetagain, like I said luck of the draw for where it was when cold weather hit and I would have restarted a seed if I had another. All my autos started in early May are smaller than they should be. Cheers.