Day 36 lst and branch tucking is going good plant I think will be switching to 12/12 soon also resivor needs refilled.
Day 37 refilled resivor 10ml A&B each, 8ml golden tree, 5ml emyzines ppm 580 ph 6.5 still branch tucking plant looking good...
Day 38 branch tucking plant is growing nice.
Day 39 branch tucking notice resivor needs refilled this plant is really drinking alot. Also i put second scrog net up. 11pm switching over 12/12.
Day 40 refilled resivor 15ml a&b each 5ml emyzines 8ml golden tree 🌳
Day 41 branch tucking is all we do now.
Day 42 plant is getting big and bushy still branch tucking.