Time to move this baby outside into her final summer home, which is a 10 gallon fabric pot. Tomorrow is the summer solstice so we are at max sunshine now, and we're coming out of a nasty 3 day heat wave which would have been a bad thing for this final transplant. Things should be a nice moderate 70 something for the next week or so.
I'll have to go back and review my notes from the first time around with this varietal. I seem to remember she grows a bit spindly and will need support in her final stages. If my memory is correct I will put an upside down tomato cage over her in a week or two.
@SonomaSungrown, Hey now. The answer is actually yes and no. Hehe, probably because I'm high. I grew a couple of Amnesia 7's where one decided to flower early and one didn't, but I consider that something of an aberration.
When I go back and compare my previous Cream & Cheese CBD journal (2 years back - I'm still scraping by with some of that stock left) - that plant I harvested in mid-September but it had roughly the same life span in weeks so I wonder about that. I noted at that time that she was the first I harvested that summer too... so there ya go. 😎
I gotta a couple chubby checkers, check em out! Honestly I live in the city and come Sept 10, I’ll be sleeping beside my girls in a tent like I do every year! Shit has not failed me yet...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣