These girls have been going like crazy! More than doubled their size in less than a week. Increased lighting to 550 PPFD, while slightly decreasing temperature to 72F and RH to 50%. I did a top dress of 3 Tbsp of Azomite and 3 Tbsp of bone meal. It may be too early for the bloom top dress but I was hoping to squeeze in a second top dress in the next 4 weeks. Watered 750 mL/plant at pH of 6.2. Also added an Exhale XL CO2 bag to see if that would really increase CO2 level. CO2 has been hovering around 800ppm since adding the bag (with exhaust fan running) but I am hoping to get closer to 1,000. The one plant that had the yellow streaks still has them on new growth, so my inexperienced opinion is that it must be genetic since it is very healthy otherwise and no other plants have it. I cannot believe how quickly these plants are growing compared to my photoperiod Girl Scout Cookies that germinated almost a week earlier. They are almost twice the size!
Check out your instructions for the mars hydro and it will say use Xtra calmag. Something with quantum board LEDs and calmag deficiency. Mars started putting it in the instructions 👍🤜🤛 advanced nutrients sensi calmag Xtra is awesome bro. It has some iron and nitrogen in it to green them up 👍 iron helps it absorb the calmag so it's the best 1 to get