J70, starting of week 10 of this lady.
She is getting denser everyday and the buds looks really nice... I didnt expect much from her since she struggles in the first weeks of flowering. I though back in time this will be little buds without any appeals.
She is beautiful and If im optomism, I can have around 24-28gr from her once dry. Still have some weeks left for her to get some weight.
The main bud is really sticky and the smell is intense and incredible.
Like pepper and citrus along with some pineapple.
Im happy with her and she seems to overcome the salt build-up without too much damage.
They were lot of white pistils at the beginning of the week.. now they are turning orange and give some extra colors on buds... Still have time to ripen.
look at the pics the buds getting fatter everyday
@DoDrugs420, im sorry im not sure I understand the question. want to know when to harvest and go have fun with it?
I think in about 3 weeks you can come get some buds :)