Week 4: 6/22 - 6/28
Day 22: Recharge day!
Day 23: Skipped watering
Day 24: Watered .15 L
Day 25: Watered .15 L
Day 26: Skipped watering
Day 27: Re-amended the coco with 50/50 split of 4-4-4 and 4-8-4 dry amendments. Watered .30 L. Added trellis netting to the tent. I ended up resetting the positioning within the tent since the netting was going up. These 2 are still located in the back left corner. While I was reamending the coco, I took off the floral tape only to find a T H I C C knuckle on P1!!! Dropped rH setting on the humidifier to 70%.
Day 28: Oh whoops.. I've been documenting my watering measurements incorrectly. I'm filling up a 16fl oz water bottle which is just a tad under .5 L. Any mention of .15 L should = ~.5 L and any mention of .3 L = ~1 L. P1 got .5 L and P2 got 1 L of water today.