Week 1: 6/1 - 6/7
Day 1: I dialed the light back to 40% this morning. Hit her with 30ml of recharge and an additional 120ml around the humidity dome, going 30ml every 1/4 rotation. Will be back to normal watering for the rest of the week.
Day 2: Got the humidifier up and running and by the end of the day rH was hovering around 75%. Today was the first day on their 18/6 light schedule.
Day 3: Plant tags came in! Watered ~70ml around the stalk and surrounding area to keep it moist. I removed the humidity domes this morning so she can start dancing in the wind!
Day 4: Upped watering to 15 fl oz. It might be too much but she's growing so fast I figured she might need a little extra from I've been giving her. I'm surprised at how much water these humidifiers go through.. already out of 4 gallons. I'll have to get more from the store tomorrow.
Day 5: Shit. I didn't get more water today and rH fell back to 30%. The coco was still wet so I skipped watering today.
Day 6: Water obtained! Watered another 15 fl oz. rH is now back steady at 85% and holding.
Day 7: Now that the rH is steady, I'll be slowing down how much water goes into these humidifiers. They auto turn off when the set rH is achieved. No water today. The huge swing of rH has caused the leaves to twist up a bit but they'll bounce back.
Looking good and progressing very nicely !! Good luck with the grow !
Please feel free to check out/show love on some of my recent grows (Tropicana cookiez/Venom OG/Banana Mango )
Also… I have a lots of growing tips on my profile page (comments section)