Well, this one died on me. There was nothing I could really do for her. I'm not sure what caused it, but the conditions in the tent seemed pretty good. I thought maybe over watering, but I let it dry up a bit, and it just faded faster. I gave it a bit of water, no luck. I was thinking maybe the pot was too small. Will have to try again.
So, in the last week, I have seen absolutely no growth in my plants...any of them. They seem to have stalled themselves out after they popped up from the dirt. Is there something I'm missing here? Normally I see them bulk up at this point.
Hi mate they look like they are stretching a fair amount. I'd give them a little more light. The pot is looking a little wet. Are you letting them dry out a little before watering again. If not this is a possibility.
It could also be PH related. Have you tested your water PH?