Day 18 - Monday 28 May
The larger plant is doing really well, however after repotting my smaller plant, it appears to be growing now very slowly, not sure if this is due to repotting, or stunting it's growth somehow. Despite this, the light is now focussed on my larger plant, and I am happy it's growth rate and development 😍
Update: 21 days, Friday 1st June
In the meantime... the little plants have now reached their 3rd week, approaching the 4th and the smaller of the two plants just appears like it's been completely rinsed of its energy and power by the light being way too close .. and it seems to have just stopped any sign of growth now for several days.. so not quite sure what to do with this one at the moment, should I get rid? i.e. destroy this plant? and put it down to bad luck...?
or should I let it go a bit longer maybe? and see if anything changes.. I could do with the tent space, and might just chuck it outside somewhere..
The larger plant in bigger 2 gallon cloth pot seems to be really coming along now, so it's been like 3 weeks now since sprouting, and I have also decided to raise the lights slightly a few inches, and this seems to have enabled a slight stretch upwards towards the light in the larger plant, as well as nodes getting longer least I think it's down to that? perhaps it could also just be this phase of the growth period, who knows, but so far so good.
They are planted in Plagron Bat Mix Soil, so I'm presuming I won't need any nutes for a couple more weeks 😍
Update: Day 26, Wednesday 6th June 2018.
60 Day Lemon - autoflower
I did some minor LST on the larger lady, involving some basic leaf tucking, to promote growth
in the bud sites, as well as tying a bamboo stick to the main stem, which had been leaning to one side slightly at the top. This appears to have resolved the issue.