These pics are exactly one full week into flower! My big clone stretched atleast 6-8" depending, I'm not adding PVC but I have the basic 4" square(might be bigger, been awhile) trellis white string I'm gonna clip in today/soon. Lil monstercrop won't need that one; I forced a couple decent lowers upwards. So many benefits of SCROG-ing/atleast basic trellising, I get lowers pushed up by tucking real low fans into the trellis, get praying positioned fans while pulling entire branch up, so easy! I made my first tea like 3 days ago; a cup worm castings with my Terp Tea in a 5 gal bucket, and they seemed especially thrilled this morning. I couldn't be happier with progress... got my 140w Marshydro blurple if I need for later flowering, currently at 395w available @ 85%-ish
Looking good and progressing very nicely !! Good luck !
Please feel free to check out some of my recent grows (Tropicana cookiez/Venom OG/Banana Mango )
I am very interested to see how your Pistachio from Humboldt Seed Co turns out. I just ordered my Pistachio seeds, and will be planting them in about three weeks, after my Chiquita Banana girls are dried. Good luck on the grow.