Nothing much to report this week, just another steady week of growth.
No more signs of any ballsacks from the plant that threw a few out, nothing but strong looking female flowers on it now. Been spraying the plants with water and I’ve wiped the tent down just to make sure there’s no loose pollen flying around in there if I did miss any pollen sacs.
Conditions are all stable and these ladies have been on plain water for the past week. Onto the next one!
Que maravilha ✌️
Boa sorte no cultivo e aproveita o desenvolvimento 👍
E no final que tenhas uma grande colheita 🌱🌱
Se quiseres passa pelo meu diário e deixa o teu apoio
I just grabbed a pack of White Widow and Jack Haier from GHS, I'm super excited to get my current grow finished and get them started! Good luck on the cultivation, ill be following along for sure! 👍👍