
Buddha Tahoe | First Grow

4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 1
weeks 1
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
Germination Method
Paper Towel
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 40%
buddha tahoe
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
buddha tahoe - %
Commented by
T4pr00t T4pr00t
4 years ago
My feminized Buddha Tahoe OG seed sprouted her taproot yesterday. This morning the root was long enough to justify setting it into a neutral soil until it develops a healthy root system. Currently I'm using an indirect and low light setting. The temperature in the tent has a tight range right now of between 72 and 74 degrees (F). Humidity has been a constant 64% for the past three days. This Buddha Tahoe OG seed was given to me as a gift. After reading some reviews of the strain from a few advanced growers I decided to start it off using a 24-hour soak followed by a typical nesting in a moist paper towel diaper. I'm located in the Northeastern portion of the US and should be harvesting this plant sometime in mid to late October. Perfect to help give her buds some nice cool temps for their trichome producing pleasure. I'm very excited to give this strain a try. My plan right now (assuming not too much goes wrong on this grow) is to treat myself to a bunch of nice flower and use the trim to collect some Kief. If the terpene production comes out anything like I've read about I'm sure I'll even try to press out some Hash, too. Time will tell. And away my new baby girl & me go . . . 6/19 Add: She sprouts into the aerobic environment showing off her vibrant cotyledon leaves. Might be a little moist for her right now so I'm watching that. Now it's a wait and watch routine as she develops more as a seedling and moves towards vegetation. 6/21 Add: I've decided to give her a pet name, Tara, after the female version of Buddha. And here's Tara after her morning neutral spritz, revealing her first two fan leaves. 6/24 Add: Tara continues her seedling ways on day 6 here and prepares for transplant into her vegetation soil mix. I fixed her with a toothpick to lean on if she needs to. I had to go through a learning curve on my first time use of the LED and she stretched out a bit. She's still good to grow, though. We're moving on . . .
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homerjgangiacommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
T4pr00tcommented4 years ago
@homerjgangia, Thanks! I was admiring that Killer Kush you grew a while back. What a plant! Made my mouth water. That strain is going to be an absolute must grow for me in the future.
HighGrower89commentedweek 04 years ago
Viel Erfolg bei deinem grow! Happy growing!
T4pr00tcommented4 years ago
@HighGrower89, Thanks!
Lacrimacommentedweek 04 years ago
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
T4pr00tcommented4 years ago
@Lacrima, Thank you!
Cannabeast40commentedweek 04 years ago
Wish you best of luck and happy growing 😊🙌
T4pr00tcommented4 years ago
@Cannabeast40, Thanks!
Slurpy_Terpycommentedweek 04 years ago
Hey nice to see Tara is coming along healthy! Yea the stretching is due to lack of light, but you don't have much stretching so not much to worry about - it would be worse to have too much light so good job staying on the safe side 👍 Also when you transplant you will probably place the seeling so that her stem is a few cm deep in the soil (roots will grow from the stem if under the soil) so the initial seedling stretch is negligible. Also to strengthen the stem it helps to expose to a mild breeze, just enough to make the seedling move/shake (but you don't want to stress her out with a storm either). FYI propagators are useful for clones, seedlings don't need the high humidity, just keep the 'root cube' moist at all times. I used to use propagators and humidity domes but for me it goes faster without (and easier aswell) the only thing I pay attention to is keeping the cube moist and checking to transplant asap (root health is most important) and my rh has been between 40% and 65% and temps between 18c and 28c depending on which time of year i germinate and the seedlings have never died so I guess they are stronger than some grow guides suggest (and babying the plants too much / keeping them in very stable conditions can make them overly sensitive!). You are lucky with these genetics! Any idea which breeder? Cali Connection? Best of luck to you and your grow 😀👊
T4pr00tcommented4 years ago
@Slurpy_Terpy, Indeed, I am already in somewhat of a tailspin trying to figure out where I'm going to get my first batch of seeds. Currently I've bookmarked over 30 pointers to seed labs, banks, and retail dealers. What a zoo! The thing here with me is this: I'm not interested in the cannabis cross genetics mayhem taking place all over the world right now. Firstly, there's no real way for me to master all of these strains. It would take me at least a few years of working with a single strain to fully (using that word very loosely) understand what that particular plant loves and needs for the most productive and potent yield. In an extreme example, say I have a seed that has been crossed with one strain that can be traced back to a Persian landrace, and another strain that can be traced back to a Panamanian landrace. As a grower I'm getting a seed that I have no idea how to grow properly. It is the daughter of one parent that came from a high altitude, arid, barren, nutrient deprived landscape while the other parent thrived in a low lying, humid, and soil rich landscape. How long is it going to take me to grow and get to know this seed? Years, that's how long. I'm supposed to do that with every whiz-bang new strain that's released? Um, no, that's not going to happen. I simply don't have enough life years remaining to even entertain that idea. So, I'm going to be keeping to what I know. I'm going to be growing seeds that are not too far removed from their landrace origins. No more than three to five steps removed from origin. I'll be seeking Hindu, Afghan, Thai, Malawi & Kilimanjaro landrace strains (all regular so I can cultivate my own seed bank) and strains that are not too far removed from them. I'm going to find them, learn them to the best of my ability, and never or very rarely dabble in something new. These are the strains that will provide me with what I'm looking for: a pure and very potent high. But, yeah, what a zoo the seed game is. If you ask me, it's a fool's gold game at that! I'd be lying if I wrote I'm never going to grow or try them --- of course I am. But they are in no way, shape, or form getting the attention that my either landrace or close-to-landrace plants will get. I think it's a shame everyone is falling over one another like they are. If cannabis had been legal from the beginning like it should have been we wouldn't be going though the genetics chaos we're seeing today. We'd have much better "bibles" on every aspect of the plant from seed genetics to cultivation. But no, we let the cannabis coil get tighter and tighter and tighter so that now that we've released it, its unwound in a crazy tangled up ball that's very difficult to figure out. Oh, well. We're going to have a great time trying to figure it all out anyway, that's for sure. The tests you plan on running sound interesting to me. I'll be trying to keep an eye on what you're doing there. Take care for now . . .
Slurpy_Terpycommented4 years ago
@@T4pr00t, Oh cool thanks for posting the breeder, I had never heard of farmerslabseeds before! These days for getting seeds it can be confusing, the more old school way it to try to properly stabilize the phenotypes before releasing seeds but these days many breeders in the states work with 'elite clones' and they just cross them all together and release limited batches of seeds so if you find something amazing you better have kept clones because the seeds will most likely already be sold out... Also those elite clone crosses are usually pretty expensive 100$+ for 5-12 seeds but I only need small packs... I want to test thseeds for their recent cookies family crosses (wykiwi, pisthash, mont blanc), and will test Aceseeds soon for their rare pure sativas (14 weeks flower!) for some special effects. But finding good seeds can be a hit or miss and misleading process, if you want the best 'og kush' or 'blue dream' seeds, good luck figuring out which are the best 😅 most breeder info are just hype/lies so its hard to figure out what the real genetics are and what you can expect. I guess most people try a few breeders and once they find good phenotypes they stick to that breeder. Watch out for dutch breeders I am dutch and I avoid them they are very commercial and breed for easy growing and high yields but all we want is quality terps and effects (its easy enough to grow anyway and yields should be large enough anyway 😀 so no need to go for commercial seeds)
T4pr00tcommented4 years ago
@Slurpy_Terpy, That's all great advice. Thanks! I don't think I'll be using peat pellets ever again for cannabis. I have a supply of them because I have been known to grow a wide variety of tomatoes and peppers. I've also mastered pickling cucumbers. All of those fruits do just fine in a peat pellet when starting out. In addition to the light adjustments, next time I am going to go with a either a cube or my own small pot mix along with a light seaweed fortified water for when it dries up. My issue here in my area will be humidity. I am fortunate enough to have good control over my growing environment, though, so I'm feeling pretty good about that. Unfortunately, I have no way of knowing where this Buddha Tahoe originates from. It was gifted to me by someone I met at a Memorial Day beach party. I know it's a legit seed because a close friend knows someone who knows the dude who passed me the seed and reports the guy is nothing but on the up-and-up (LOL) 😆. But seriously, it should be a legit Buddha Tahoe. Now that it's legal for me to grow up to 6 of my own personal plants, I intend to get very good at growing them. I want to learn to grow healthy, organic, and potent strains and focus on them. I don't have to be a guru or even a master -- I just want to be very good and as consistent as possible. Thanks again, and good luck with your grows too. I'll be checking in I'm sure as you post. 😀✊ Add 6/27: Just found out this Buddha Tahoe seed came from Farmer's Lab ( That's a definite. I don't know about this lab nor do I know if I will ever buy anything from them. But this is where this seed originates and I'll be checking them out soon myself. I need to find some places where I can get my own seeds for the strains I'm interested in growing.
OrganicNature420commentedweek 04 years ago
Goodluck brother ❤️ always here to help 👍🏻🍁🌱❤️
OrganicNature420commented4 years ago
@@T4pr00t, haha 2 eyes are fine with me 🙂🍁🍁❤️👍🏻
T4pr00tcommented4 years ago
@OrganicNature420, Thanks! I'm eventually going to have questions so I'll keep an eye on ya. Maybe even two eyes from time to time . . . 😀
TenderBudscommentedweek 14 years ago
Very detailed diary. Awesome 👍💃🏻 Welcome Tara!
spydercommentedweek 04 years ago
good luck with the grow.....enjoy.
DoDrugs420commentedweek 13 years ago
Love it love it love it buddha tahoe 4 life.