She's changed a lot in the last week and flowers have opened right up!
On 8/1 I got some spent hardwood substrate blocks from a local mushroom farmer and crumbled them around the base of each plant, including the autos. Hoping the mycelium can get in there to work their magic in the last few weeks this girl has, not to say she has anything "wrong" with her, just looking forward to a good harvest!
Other than that, there's not much to report. She was fed & watered 2x this week since we've still been getting consistent rain and I don't want to overwater.
I name everything! Animals, trucks, heavy machinery...
I named this diary after our 4th gen diesel Cummins since it's Sour Diesel Auto👍
@Mrs_Larimar, Thank you🙏
This one is a little behind compared to the other Green Cracks, but they're all doing better than the autos I've done in the past!
@Mrs_Larimar, I had to make them again! My "Diaries" tab on my page lists the total correct number, but then when you actually go to the diaries page 2 are missing. I tried searching both by diary name and by strain and couldn't find them. After messaging Growdiaires they said I'd have to start them again. At least I wasn't the only one!