Still using just water (tap water actually), things seemed to be going well. Moved the seedlings into the grow tent and subjected them to 24 hours of daylight, but with the lamp at 50%. They were sharing the grow tent with some common herbs and a tomato plant.
@JONNY_APPLE_WEEDS, LED Grow Light with Daisy Chain GH2000 GREEN GO 2x4ft Coverage Dimmable Full Spectrum LED Plant Growing Lights for Indoor Plants Seeding Veg and Bloom. Amazon $169.00
Your plan will work fine my friend, she’ll be in shock for the first 2+ weeks but she’ll revert back to the Vegetative cycle if kept on the right schedule 14+ hours of light! 18/6 usually! Yeah it will work just leave some fan leaves and she’ll come back with a vengeance...
Good luck though your gonna succeed don’t you worry!