I haven't been doing too well with keeping track of water changes, added water, etc. Between consumption by the plants and evaporation (and some spray/ leakage, I'm adding probably between 6 and 10 gallons of water to the tank each week. This makes calculating the nutrients a bit difficult since there is always some residue of nutrients left in the tank as the water level decreases. Overall, I'd say that I add 80% of the required nutrients for every gallon added to the tank. Because the plants are getting so big and they tip over easily when not supported, and due to the size of their root structure, I don't want to completely drain and refill the tank. It's not really set-up properly for that at this time. (this whole venture has been a learning experience). Science experiment - with very little regulation, record keeping. Not great science - but it's working anyway.
I added the netting to help support the plants. They are growing out of 3 inch cups and their root systems are huge, in the tank below. I plan to let them vegetate for a couple more weeks to maximize their growth. There has been a lot of growing happening this week.
I also did some FIMing and trimming this week. It seems to have made a big difference in the volume and growth. I'm almost wishing I had a bigger tent now. I do have another tent to move my clones into when I change over to Flowering mode with these four big plants.
@JONNY_APPLE_WEEDS, LED Grow Light with Daisy Chain GH2000 GREEN GO 2x4ft Coverage Dimmable Full Spectrum LED Plant Growing Lights for Indoor Plants Seeding Veg and Bloom. Amazon $169.00
Your plan will work fine my friend, she’ll be in shock for the first 2+ weeks but she’ll revert back to the Vegetative cycle if kept on the right schedule 14+ hours of light! 18/6 usually! Yeah it will work just leave some fan leaves and she’ll come back with a vengeance...
Good luck though your gonna succeed don’t you worry!